We will send you information on Cordy and domestically-produced SPF-derived placental extract via automatic reply.

Information Request Form

    OptionalCompany Name



    RequiredEmail Address (for confirmation)

    Please enter it again for confirmation.


    【Cautions Regarding the Form】

    • The personal information you provide will be used to respond to your inquiries and provide information.
    • If the information is incomplete or depending on the content of the inquiry, we may not be able to respond.
    • In some cases, it may take us some time to respond to your inquiry.
    • Responses are intended for the individual customer only. Redistribution or forwarding is strictly prohibited.
    • If you wish to request an interview, please include the following information in the “Inquiry Details”: (Program/medium name, content of the interview, expected publication/broadcast date, etc.)
    • Upon completion of your inquiry, a confirmation email will be automatically sent to you. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check the following items.

    If you are contacting us from a mobile phone email address

    To those using emails from docomo / SoftBank / au:
    If you are using a smartphone/cellphone email address, please adjust your settings to receive emails from “cordy-lab@naotta.jp” before requesting information.
    ※ Especially for those using docomo, it seems that there are often cases where emails from PCs are not received. Please refer to the following for receiving settings.

    Please make sure to remove the email rejection setting or set it so that emails from our domain “naotta.jp” are not recognized as spam.

    If there was an error in the email address you provided

    Please check your email address and contact us again via the inquiry form.

    If you are using antivirus or security software

    Please check if the email has been received in your spam folder or deleted items, etc.