To spend as much time as possible with your beloved dog or cat, we are here to provide personalized support.
Frequently Asked Questions and Consultations about Cordy
Cordy Administration for Elderly Dog with Oral Melanoma [Consultation with Laboratory]
Coping with Concurrent Malignant Tumors (Cancer) and Heart Disease

For Pet Owners Whose Pets Have Fallen Ill

We Want to Bring Back the Smiles to Your Family

Cordy Laboratory is a site that introduces research results and clinical cases of Cordy, which is essential for maintaining the health and improving the illnesses of dogs, cats, and pets by regulating immunity. Please do not give up even if the veterinary hospital says tough things! Keep hope. There are still many things that can be done.

Through this site, we hope that you will know that even if your beloved dog or cat suffers from diseases such as cancer (malignant tumors, sarcomas, lymphomas) or FIP/FeLV, by addressing whole-body immunity and diet, “dogs can live like dogs, and cats can live like cats.”

Examples of Cordy Use

About Cordy

In Japan, over 400 species of Cordyceps have been discovered. Among them, certain species have been identified as useful for improving human and pet health by modulating immune function (boosting low immunity and suppressing excessive immunity). These specific fungi have been named “Cordy.”

Request Free Cordy Materials >>
View Cancer Improvement Cases Using Cordy >>

The Mission of the Cordy Research Lab

The mission of the Cordy Research Lab is to contribute to the health maintenance and anti-aging of pets, including dogs and cats, through research on Cordy.

Even if your dog or cat is suffering from cancer (including tumors, sarcomas, and lymphomas), FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), or FeLV (feline leukemia virus), we aim to help them coexist with their illness while maintaining their energy and appetite, and to further improve or overcome the disease through our research on Cordy.

We believe it is possible to maintain the quality of life and enjoy time with your family even while suffering from illness.

Even if they are losing strength and becoming thin, if their appetite has significantly decreased and they are losing weight, or if they have been given a terminal prognosis, it is not unusual to see remarkable recovery by modulating the immune system without burdening the body.

For the sake of your beloved pet, why not take the initiative and try what you can do yourself?

If any of the following apply, and you are interested in our Cordy Research Lab presentations, please feel free to contact us. We also welcome inquiries from veterinarians willing to collaborate in our research.

  • Diagnosed with cancer (including tumors, sarcomas, lymphomas)
  • Diagnosed with FIP (feline infectious peritonitis)
  • Diagnosed with FeLV (feline leukemia virus)
  • Given a terminal prognosis but do not want to give up
  • Want to spend as much time as possible together
  • Concerned about immunity
  • Weak body or prone to illness
  • Loss of energy and appetite is concerning
  • Want to boost immunity more than usual
To spend as much time as possible with your beloved dog or cat, we will be there to support you.

Overcoming Cancer in Dogs and Cats

At the Cordy Research Lab, we’ve compiled articles about things we definitely want pet owners to know to help their dogs and cats who are battling cancer get back to being healthy. Please take a look.

Dog Cancer (Tumors)
Symptoms, examinations, surgeries, treatments, diets, and tips for improving and curing cancer


Cat Cancer (Tumors)
Symptoms, examinations, surgeries, treatments, diets, and tips for improving and curing cancer


Cancers That Commonly Occur in the Oral Cavity and Skin of Dogs and Cats

Dog Cancer

Cancers Commonly Found in the Oral Cavity (Mouth) of Dogs
Melanoma (Malignant Melanoma)


Squamous Cell Carcinoma




Cancers Commonly Found on the Body Surface and Skin of Dogs
Melanoma (Malignant Melanoma)




Mast Cell Tumor


Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Mammary Tumor (Breast Cancer)


Nasal Cavity Tumor


Canine Nasal Gland Adenocarcinoma


Apocrine Gland Adenocarcinoma of the Anal Sac


Perianal Adenoma


Cat Cancer

Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Mast Cell Tumor






Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Mammary Tumor/Breast Cancer


Respiratory Cancers in Dogs and Cats

Lung Tumor/Lung Cancer in Dogs


Lung Cancer, Lung Tumor in Cats


Internal Organ, Digestive, Blood, Bone, and Brain Cancers in Dogs and Cats

Cancers in Dogs



Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Hepatocellular Carcinoma/Liver Cancer




Brain Tumor


Histiocytic Sarcoma




Transitional Cell Carcinoma/Bladder Cancer


Perianal Gland Carcinoma


Cancers in Cats

Cancers of Internal Organs, Bone, Brain, and Blood
Liver Cancer




Lymphoma in Cats


Brain Tumor




Basal Cell Tumor


Histiocytic Sarcoma


Ovarian Cancer


Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Bladder Cancer


Sarcoma developing at the injection site of vaccines or antibiotics
Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma


Virus-related diseases in cats
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)


Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) Infection


Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)


Common questions and consultations about Cordy
Cordy administration for elderly dogs with oral melanoma
Managing malignant tumors (cancer) and heart disease simultaneously

Cancers Easily Developing in the Oral Cavity (Mouth)


Melanoma (Malignant Melanoma)


Squamous Cell Carcinoma




Cancers Easily Developing on the Surface of the Body or Skin


Melanoma (Malignant Melanoma)




Mast Cell Tumor


Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Mammary Tumor (Breast Cancer)


Nasal Cavity Tumor


Dog Nasal Adenocarcinoma


Apocrine Gland Carcinoma of the Anal Sac


Perianal Gland Tumor


Respiratory Cancers


Dog Lung Tumor / Lung Cancer


Cancers Developing in Internal Organs, Digestive System, Blood, Bones, and Brain




Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Liver Cancer




Brain Tumor


Histiocytic Sarcoma




Transitional Cell Carcinoma / Bladder Cancer


Perianal Gland Carcinoma


Cancers Frequently Found in the Oral Cavity or Skin


Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Mast Cell Tumor






Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Mammary Tumor / Breast Cancer


Respiratory Cancers


Feline Lung Cancer / Lung Tumors


Cancers Occurring in Internal Organs, Digestive System, Blood, Bones, and Brain

Cancers of the Internal Organs, Bones, Brain, and Blood


Liver Cancer




Feline Lymphoma


Brain Tumors




Basal Cell Tumor


Histiocytic Sarcoma


Ovarian Cancer


Transitional Cell Carcinoma Arising from Transitional Epithelium


Bladder Cancer


Sarcomas that Develop at Injection Sites, such as Vaccines or Antibiotics


Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma


Cat Diseases Involving Viruses


Feline AIDS (FIV)


Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV)


Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)


To spend even one more day with your beloved dog or cat, we offer wholehearted support to pet owners.

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