The placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs has shown numerous improvement cases for post-operative care of dogs, cats, and other pets, as well as for poor coat condition, skin inflammation, itching, allergies, and skin diseases. Many reports indicate visible changes approximately 1 to 2 months after starting use.

Skin Improvement Effects of Placenta Extract Powder Derived from Domestically Produced SPF Pigs

Placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs is recommended for pets with wounds, poor coat or fur condition, or skin issues.

It can be widely used for supporting post-operative care, poor coat condition, skin inflammation, itching, allergies, and skin diseases.

Below are examples of pets with skin issues, allergies, or wounds, who have taken placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs.

Usage Example 1: Pets with Skin, Wounds, Poor Coat/Fur Condition

Improvement in Dandruff and Hair Loss, Better Coat/Fur Condition

Animal Species: Guinea Pig
Source: Report from Pet Owner (Individual feedback)

May 21, 2016
Flakes on the body. Scratching more than usual (Weight: 800g)
Started using topical anti-itch medication

July 17
Increased scratching and flakes. Oral medication given at the vet. Decrease in appetite and fecal output (Weight: 700g)

Visited the vet weekly, but no improvement observed.

November 6
Toppled over while scratching. Increased flakes, decreased appetite and energy

November 20
Breathing heavily, often staying still. X-ray examination → no abnormalities

December 2
Referred to a small animal specialist hospital
Severe weakness, heavy breathing, wobbly walking

Improvement example of skin disease using placenta

The veterinarian remarked, “Given the severity, it’s likely that other diseases are also present; I would like to monitor slowly.”
Started administering 1cc per day of oral anti-inflammatory medication

December 4 ■ Started taking placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs
Oral medication once at night
0.05g of placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs + 0.1g of Cordy administered every morning and night

December 6 ■ Second day of taking placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs
Increased appetite, fecal output, and energy

December 16 Vet visit
No suspicion of fungus. Since the pet has become energetic, next visit scheduled for one month later. Visit anytime if there are any concerns.
Administered tick repellent medication

December 20
Scabs covering the body began to peel off. Fur gradually regrowing.

January 13 ■ 40th day of taking placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs
Condition improved. Next visit scheduled for one month later. Weight: 960g. Increased appetite, fecal output, and energy. Nearly all fur regrown.
The veterinarian noted, “Recovery is remarkably fast.”

Improvement example of skin disease using placenta

February 20 ■ 75th day of taking placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs
Fur is now thick and lush, and the pet is back to its original state of energy and appetite.
Improvement example of skin disease using placenta

Usage Example 2: Pets with Skin, Wounds, Poor Coat/Fur Condition

Example of Improvement in Skin Itching, Hair Loss, and Rash

Animal Species: Toy Poodle
Age and Gender: 6 years old, Male
Diagnosis and Symptoms: Itchy skin since joining the household at three months old. Repeated treatments led to a diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
Symptoms: Hair loss, itching, rash on both sides

Administered intravenously: Glutathione 10mg/k, Vitamin C 50mg, Vitalpha 0.16ml/k
Orally administered: Placenta extract powder derived from domestically produced SPF pigs, Taurine 50mg/k, Zinc 1.6mg/k

Regrowth of hair observable in the alopecic areas.
Skin Disease Improvement Example Using Placenta

Example 3 of Use for Animals with Poor Skin, Wound Healing, and Hair Condition

Improvement of Skin Condition, Hair Quality, and Overall Coat Health

Provided by: Central Kennel Business Cooperative Federation, Representative Director (Chairman) Toru Kamimura
(Note: This is a personal opinion.)

Species: Papillon
Age & Gender: 8 years old, Male

The request was to even out the dog’s coat because its skin condition was poor, the hair quality was poor, and it had no body. Unfortunately, the hair was trimmed short with clippers and three months later, the result was as shown in the upper photo, with skin roughness and uneven hair regrowth. It is believed that a hormonal imbalance caused uneven hair growth and skin roughness.

By providing placenta extract powder derived from domestic SPF pigs daily for three months, as shown in the lower photo, the skin condition improved, and the hair grew evenly. The placenta extract powder from domestic SPF pigs is known to have effects that balance hormones, leading to improvements in hair and skin conditions. (It is thought that it improves the balance of pituitary hormones.)

Skin and Wound Healing Improvement Example Using Placenta

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Example 4 of Use for Animals with Poor Skin, Wound Healing, and Hair Condition

Improvement Example of a Dog with Poor Wound Healing

Certified Trainer by Japan Police Dog Association and JKC, Pet Dog Care Advisor: Yoko Yamaoka
(Note: This is a personal opinion.)

Species: Standard Poodle
Age & Gender: 2 years old

The dog had an unhealed and worsening wound from its time at a pet shop, and the use of placenta extract powder derived from domestic SPF pigs resulted in improvement, prompting a letter of thanks.

At the pet shop, the puppy was bitten by another puppy during play, which introduced hair into the wound.

As the dog grew, pus and hair emerged from the wound, preventing it from healing. Despite surgery to remove the foreign matter, the issue persisted.

Skin and Wound Healing Improvement Example Using Placenta
About six months later, the wound did not heal again and required a second surgery. Even after this, the wound did not improve, and another veterinary consultation was sought.

At the second surgery, it was found that the sutures from the previous surgery caused further deterioration. The third surgery aimed to remove infected tissue, resulting in an even larger wound.

The dog also developed otitis externa shortly afterwards, further worsening the wound condition due to head shaking and scratching against the floor. This prolonged the unhealed state of the wound for about a year.
Upon encountering domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder and starting its administration, there was no significant change for about two weeks, but around the third week, the discharge and fluid from the wound reduced and the wound began to swell up.

Eventually, the wound closed up cleanly and was completely healed.
Now, the fur has grown back beautifully and the otitis externa has also healed.

Example of skin condition improvement with placenta

Example of Skin Application 5

A Pet Owner with Dry Skin and Dermatitis

This is a case where a pet owner’s skin condition improved by taking domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder together with their dog.
We received a report from the owner. (*Individual results may vary)

It has been about three years since I started using domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder.

Example of skin wound improvement with placenta

My dog Popo was physically and mentally weak, often suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, and chronic cystitis, visiting the animal hospital almost every month.

Following a recommendation from a veterinarian, I decided to try domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder. I also suffered from autonomic nervous disorder, extremely dry skin to the point of flaking, and facial dermatitis, so I decided to take the placenta extract powder together with Popo.

For about the first six months, I didn’t notice any particular changes, but as I continued, the dry skin improved.

My skin, which had been rough even with layers of lotion and creams, became moisturized with just a toner, even in winter.

Popo’s health also improved significantly, with no more diarrhea or vomiting, and no cystitis episodes for over a year now.

The dermatitis which had been recurring for over two years hasn’t surfaced for more than a year and has healed so cleanly that you can’t even tell it was there.

I believe there’s individual variation in how soon changes can be felt, and I think it’s not something that improves immediately after drinking it. Also, as it’s not particularly cheap, I had some anxiety about continuing, but now looking back…

Both I and Popo have drastically reduced our hospital visits, and we’ve seen definite internal improvements, resulting in naturally moisturized skin and eliminating the need to purchase numerous skincare products. Ultimately, I came to believe it is economical and healthy.

I plan to continue taking domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder together with my beloved dog.

Example of skin condition improvement with placenta

Example of Use for Poor Skin, Wounds, Coat Condition 6

Example of Improvement in Atopic and Allergic Dermatitis

Reported by: Pet Owner (*Individual results may vary)

This is an example of a dog that had a poor coat and lacked energy, which improved after taking domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder.

Example of coat improvement with placenta

Before Using Domestically-Produced SPF Pork-Derived Placenta Extract Powder

Before using the domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder, the dog showed various symptoms such as allergies and Cushing’s syndrome, always curled its tail, appeared lethargic, and spent most of the day sleeping.
The fur had fallen out, exposing the skin, and the dog often stumbled during walks, requiring extra caution.

After Using Domestically-Produced SPF Pork-Derived Placenta Extract Powder

After starting the domestically-produced SPF pork-derived placenta extract powder, the dog became noticeably more energetic and its coat grew back thick and healthy, running around actively.
The dog’s expression changed to one of confidence and was no longer lonely.
The dog is now almost indistinguishable from a four-year-old female Maltese in both appearance and energy.

Example of coat improvement with placenta

Placenta for Improvement of Skin Conditions and Skin Disorders

Cases where domestic SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) pig-derived placenta powder is given to pets experiencing poor skin condition, allergies such as atopic dermatitis, or slow wound healing, and improvements are observed are not uncommon. The effectiveness can be evaluated within a short period of about one to one and a half months.

Our laboratory conducts research on the various potential effects of domestic SPF pig-derived placenta powder.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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