Examples of Cancer Improvement in Dogs and Cats

Have you ever worried about whether it’s safe for your dog to receive their rabies vaccination when they are in poor health or undergoing treatment for a serious illness?

For instance, when there is a legitimate reason such as undergoing cancer treatment, a veterinarian may exempt your dog from receiving the rabies vaccination.

Rabies Vaccination Exemption Certificate

In Japan, it is mandatory for dogs to receive a rabies vaccination every year. This is stipulated by law.

However, did you know? If a veterinarian issues a “Rabies Vaccination Exemption Certificate,” this requirement can be waived.

※Note: It is not recommended to avoid the rabies vaccination based on your own judgment as an owner.

With the issuance of the certificate, you can avoid giving the rabies vaccine for that year. If you wish to continue the exemption in following years, you will need to obtain the certificate annually.

This system is a relief for owners of dogs suffering from severe illnesses.

Examples of Situations Where Exemption May Be Possible

In the following situations, there could be a risk of severe adverse reactions to the vaccine or negative impacts on the dog’s health and life. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the vaccination if it poses such risks; please consult with your veterinarian.

  • Past adverse reactions (allergies, health deterioration, etc.) to rabies vaccinations.
  • Currently undergoing cancer treatment or managing cancer recurrence.
  • Suffering from severe immune disorders.
  • Suffering from severe infections.
  • Has severe allergies or atopic conditions.
  • Prone to seizures.
  • Significant deterioration in strength due to illness.
  • Elderly, with notable declines in strength and immune function.
  • Using powerful immunosuppressants such as chemotherapy or anti-rheumatic drugs.

※These examples are provided for reference. Whether or not an exemption is necessary will be determined by a veterinarian.

If a certificate is issued for a legitimate reason, please contact the department in charge of public health at your local municipality.

You may be instructed to bring the certificate to the city office or mass vaccination sites, so keep it in a safe place until then. Procedures may vary by municipality.

Reasons Why Rabies Vaccination is Considered Necessary

Rabies is a zoonotic disease that can infect both dogs and humans. If a dog carrying the rabies virus bites you, there is a risk of infection. If you become infected and the disease manifests, there is almost a 100% mortality rate.

Although there are still people who lose their lives to rabies abroad, there have been no reports of rabies in dogs or humans in Japan for the past 50 years or more. However, there is an extremely slight possibility that an infected animal could be brought into the country from abroad, bite a domestic dog, and then the dog could bite a human. Given the lack of treatment options and the high fatality rate if rabies does develop, vaccination is necessary and is still legally mandated.

Please note, the Rabies Prevention Law is primarily a law set by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare from the perspective of public health for humans. It is not a law established for the well-being of dogs themselves.

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An Outdated Law?

When the law was enacted in the 1940s, there were many stray dogs, and even pet dogs were often kept as guard dogs to protect property from intruders, leading to frequent biting incidents.

The Rabies Prevention Law was enacted during an era of poor hygiene, playing a major role in eradicating rabies.

However, today’s dogs are companions and children, treated as important family members.

Naturally, they are kept indoors, well-groomed, and remain clean animals. The situation is completely different from back then.

Looking around the world, there are countries that, like Japan, have been rabies-free (rabies-free countries) for extended periods.

Some of these rabies-free countries have abolished mandatory rabies vaccinations, but in reality, this has not led to widespread rabies outbreaks.

Knowing these facts, and thinking from the perspective of the dogs, perhaps it is time for Japan to reconsider its law.

That said, the Rabies Prevention Law has become more flexible today with the “Rabies Vaccination Exemption Certificate” based on a veterinarian’s diagnosis.

It is very positive that veterinarians, who frequently interact with pet owners, are given discretion in this matter.

Precautions After Rabies Vaccination

While there are no longer any dogs in Japan that lose their lives to rabies, sadly, there are dogs that lose their lives to the rabies vaccine every year.

Please pay attention to the following points, and if anything goes wrong, ensure that you can consult a veterinarian immediately.

Precautions After Vaccinations
  • Ensure the dog rests for about three days after vaccination.
  • Gradually resume walks and exercise without pushing too hard.
  • Avoid bathing the dog for a few days.
  • If you notice any abnormal symptoms such as facial swelling, hives, lethargy, trembling, or convulsions, contact your veterinarian immediately.
  • If the dog is to receive a combined vaccine, ensure sufficient time intervals between vaccinations as instructed by your veterinarian.

Using Pet Hotels, Grooming Salons, Dog Parks, etc.

It is not uncommon for pet care facilities to refuse to accept dogs that have not received their rabies vaccinations.
Of course, you should follow the facility’s rules and avoid causing concern to other users.

However, considering that the rabies vaccination rate is actually not even reaching 50%, many facilities might just be stating it as a formality.

I feel somewhat dissatisfied that owners with legitimate reasons for not being able to vaccinate face inconveniences.

※ According to a Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announcement, the rabies vaccination rate is over 70%.

However, this figure is derived from the number of registered dogs and has been pointed out to be inconsistent with actual conditions.

By the way, did you know that some facilities will accept a “Rabies Vaccination Exemption Certificate”?

You can find many such places by searching on the internet.

Moreover, even if it is not stated on their website, you may find that informing them about having a “Rabies Vaccination Exemption Certificate” might lead to acceptance.

Such facilities should be pleasant to use.

Sometimes, your regular animal hospital might be willing to take care of your pet.

Please check with them.

In Conclusion

While it is believed that the likelihood of contracting the rabies virus in Japan is extremely low, please remember that it is a highly dangerous zoonotic disease.

Vaccinations can be exempted for legitimate reasons, but please take utmost care to avoid fights with other dogs and ensure that your pet does not bite anyone, even accidentally.

While I believe that all of you love animals, please refrain from contacting local dogs or wild animals when traveling to countries that are not rabies-free.

As mentioned at the beginning, I do not recommend avoiding rabies vaccinations based on your judgment alone. Always consult with your veterinarian and follow their advice.

Immune Measures After Viral Injections

At the Cordy Research Laboratory, we are studying the effects of Cordy on immunity and its preventive effects on dogs and cats suffering from cancer.

We are also conducting research to explore whether it can help in recovering immunity that has been disrupted by viral vaccinations.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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