Rabbits are very delicate animals, making treatments that stress their bodies challenging in many cases. However, we have received a case report where the condition was controlled by administering Cordy. Here is the introduction of that report.

Handling Lymphoma/Thymoma in Rabbits

Rabbits are extremely delicate animals, and even examination can worsen their condition or, in some cases, become a life-threatening issue.

Therefore, Cordy, which does not put a burden on the body, can be helpful in controlling the progression of the disease in many cases.

If your rabbit is suffering from a severe illness, such as cancer, please consider using Cordy as a less burdensome option.


Information provided by: Usagi no Byouin JoyJoy

Case of Lymphoma or Thymoma

Mimi-chan, Born in 2010, Male


Case of Lymphoma or Thymoma (Part 1)Case of Lymphoma or Thymoma (Part 2)

April 21, 2016
Two months ago, Mimi experienced sneezing, which cleared up after 3-4 days.
However, 3-4 days ago, the sneezing started again but worsened this time.

Mimi had labored breathing and slightly protruding eyes (rabbits develop increased venous pressure when tumors form in the lungs, causing eye protrusion).

Mimi recovered with injections of homotoxicology and oral antibiotics.

May 19

Reportedly had burst sneezing 40-50 times from the day before yesterday. Eye protrusion noted.
X-ray taken upon owner’s request.

Injections might have exacerbated breathing trouble due to excitement, so oral antibiotics, diuretics, steroids, and a sample of Cordy were prescribed instead.

May 23
Oxygen box rented.
Mimi seems more comfortable inside the box. Sneezing fits occur at night.
Administering oral medication is challenging, so switched solely to Cordy.
From then on, only Cordy was used.

Although Mimi occasionally appeared to suffer, it subsided quickly. Appetite remained good.

Yuri-chan, Born in 2010, Female


Case of Lymphoma or Thymoma (Part 3)Case of Lymphoma or Thymoma (Part 4)

January 15, 2016
Yuri occasionally sneezed since she was a baby, but recently it increased.
Recovered with oral antibiotics.

April 13
Loss of appetite.
Third eyelid and eye protrusion from a week ago. Initially subsided but resurfaced.

April 14
Appetite and condition almost back to normal.

August 19
Eye protrusion increased since around July.
X-ray taken.
Cordy treatment started.
October 20
Yuri remained healthy and was about to purchase the second bottle, but Yuri’s condition suddenly worsened in the evening and she passed away, despite being fine that morning.

Although Yuri passed away, she maintained good health and appetite until the end, satisfying the owner.


Would you like to receive treatment at a specialized rabbit hospital?

At Usagi no Byouin JoyJoy in Kunitachi, Tokyo, we frequently communicate with pet owners via phone and email to provide care for their delicate rabbits.
Many animal hospitals primarily focus on dogs and cats, so there may not be many places that conduct thorough research on rabbits and provide optimal treatments for them yet.

However, Rabbit Clinic Joyjoy is a specialized rabbit hospital, and they are well-versed in the use of medications and utilize herbs and homotoxicology that do not burden the body to help maintain health. In many cases, they also recommend the use of Cordy.

How about consulting with them once for the treatment and routine health maintenance of your rabbit?

Adding Immune Support to Cancer Treatment

The Cordy Laboratory is conducting research on adding Cordy as an immune support in cancer treatment at animal hospitals, which may improve prognosis. Especially for delicate animals like rabbits, using Cordy for immune care might often be more beneficial for improving quality of life (QOL) than treatments that heavily burden the body.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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Lymphoma Case Reports
  • An Example of Managing Rabbit Lymphoma/Thymoma Without Burden