Cordy Case Studies | Improving Pet Immunity,
Overcoming Diseases, and Cancer in Pets

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions and consultations about Cordy

Administering Cordy to Elderly Dogs with Oral Melanoma: Consultation with the Laboratory

Typically, as your vet mentioned, aggressive treatments such as options 1-3 are the main approach・・・

Approach for Managing Concurrent Malignant Tumors (Cancer) and Heart Disease

Cavaliers are particularly prone to mitral valve disease, so it is excellent that you are conduct・・・

Cordyceps Administration Example for Mammary Tumors in Cats That Do Not Wish to Undergo Surgery: Consultation with the Laboratory

Since 90% of mammary tumors in cats are said to be malignant, they are prone to recurrence and ・・・

Considerations on the Concurrent Use of Palladia and Cordy in Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors: Consultation with the Laboratory

Palladia is a medication that targets specific molecules unique to cancer cells and is expected t・・・

The Effect of Cordyceps on Benign Mammary Tumors in Dogs: Consultation with a Laboratory

There is a 50% chance that mammary tumors in dogs are malignant. While the current tumor is benig・・・

How to Handle Concurrent Malignant Tumors (Cancer) and Epileptic Seizures: Consulting the Cordy Laboratory

For pets with epileptic seizures, it is considered best to avoid stimulating blood flow and ner・・・

Management Strategies for Concurrent Tumor and Kidney Failure: Consultation with Cordy Laboratory

Tumor cells use carbohydrates (specifically sugars) as a source of nutrition, so we recommend a・・・

Consultation with Cordy Laboratory Regarding Feline Gastrointestinal Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of tumor that generally responds well to chemotherapy, but it is crucial to ・・・