Improvement of Liver Functions and Skin Conditions in Dogs, Cats, and Pets

Placenta has been widely used since ancient times for beauty purposes such as preventing spots and wrinkles, maintaining moisture, and tissue repair. It has also been used for purposes like revitalizing organs and cells and addressing concerns related to allergies and skin conditions by enhancing metabolism. Currently, as a pharmaceutical product, it is expected to have numerous effects, including cellular activation, wound healing promotion, anti-fatigue, liver cell regeneration, and reactive oxygen species removal.

At the Cordy Research Laboratory, we are also studying the effects of domestic SPF pig placenta extract powder (powder form) for improving liver functions and skin conditions in dogs, cats, and pets.


Domestic SPF pig-derived placenta extract powder (powder form) is expected to have benefits such as anti-fatigue effects, liver function enhancement, anti-inflammatory actions, normalization of hormone balance, anti-allergy effects, beauty skin effects, cellular activation, wound healing promotion, anti-fatigue, liver cell regeneration, and reactive oxygen species removal.

*SPF stands for Specific-Pathogen-Free, indicating pigs that are free of specific pathogens and often referred to as germfree pigs. It implies safe and reliable pigs.

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Benefits of Placenta

① Removal of Reactive Oxygen Species

Reactive oxygen species refer to highly oxidizing oxygen molecules, which can be simply described as “rust in the body.” When these species accumulate, the body “rusts,” leading to aging phenomena and increased susceptibility to diseases.
They are produced when the oxygen that enters the body generates energy. However, excessive reactive oxygen species are created due to various factors such as exposure to harmful substances, smoking, stress, emotional states like anger and anxiety, and overeating.
By removing these reactive oxygen species, it is expected to prevent aging and protect against diseases.

② Anti-inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is the body’s defensive reaction to harmful stimuli, but prolonged or chronic inflammation can lead to diseases. Well-known examples include atopic dermatitis and gastric ulcers resulting from gastritis. Surprisingly, tumors are also considered a form of chronic inflammation, which is why anti-inflammatory steroids are prescribed during tumor treatments.
Placenta has the ability to suppress this inflammation, thus potentially being effective for tumors as well.

③ Anti-allergy Effects

Generally, allergies occur in two ways: “immediate-type allergies,” where allergens entering the body bind with a component called IgE and mast cells, and “delayed-type allergies,” which develop hours later when eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, collect at the site of the allergic reaction and release a chemical called leukotrienes.
Placenta can inhibit IgE production, thereby suppressing allergic responses.
Additionally, placenta is rich in immunosuppressive substances like Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, gangliosides, and chondroitin sulfate, which, combined with IgE production inhibition, are expected to suppress allergies.

④ Tissue Repair Function

Placenta contains various growth factors that can repair damaged tissues and restore them to normal, thereby alleviating symptoms.
(1) Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)
It promotes tissue regeneration in almost all organs, not just the liver, and repairs lesions.

(2) Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
It promotes the differentiation of nerve cells and repairs damaged areas. It is said to be effective in preventing and treating Alzheimer’s due to its capacity to restore brain and nerve system functions.
The following text has been translated from Japanese to English:

Additionally, it regulates the autonomic nervous system and hormonal balance, potentially leading to mental stability and improvement of symptoms related to depression and menopause.

(3) Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
It increases fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells, which are components of the dermis that support the skin framework. By boosting collagen (a skin firmness component), elastin (a skin elasticity component), and hyaluronic acid (a skin moisture component), it normalizes the skin and promotes wound healing. Since it also participates in nerve formation, it is expected to help maintain brain functions. Furthermore, it stimulates the proliferation of hair matrix cells, which may lead to hair growth.

(4) Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
This promotes the proliferation and regeneration of the skin and corneal epithelium. By acting on the epidermal layer of the skin, it promotes turnover, and together with the aforementioned FGF, it aids in skin wound healing, improves dark spots and dullness, and promotes collagen production within the dermis.

(5) Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)
It enhances the action of IGF-1, which regulates cell growth and DNA synthesis. By acting on chondrocytes, it may help alleviate joint pain. It is also said to be effective for hair growth.

(6) Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)
The factor known as TGF-β acts on epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells, promoting wound healing. Additionally, by increasing osteoblasts, which are the precursor cells for bone, and inhibiting osteoclasts, which break down bone, it helps prevent bone resorption.

(7) Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF)
By acting on stem cells such as granulocytes and macrophages involved in immunity, it promotes the maturation of these cells.

(8) Interleukin (IL)
This component, generated from white blood cells, is involved in immunity. Since it helps maintain components that boost immune functions, it is beneficial for immunomodulation.

(5) Metabolism Activation

The cell activation effects of placenta can stimulate blood circulation within the body, which is expected to activate metabolism. Furthermore, since placenta contains high-quality amino acids, it facilitates fat burning and reduces muscle fatigue.

(6) Immunomodulatory Action

Immunity is the defense mechanism that protects the body from bacteria and viruses, divided into innate immunity and acquired immunity. Placenta has the effect of stabilizing NK cells involved in innate immunity and enhancing the production of cytokines and antibodies involved in acquired immunity. Therefore, it is expected to adjust the immune system and enhance resistance.

The combined effects of actions (1) to (6) are expected to strengthen the immune system, support liver function, and improve the skin.

Providing information to support your pet’s health>>

Placenta Improvement Example

For Supporting Liver Function and Treating Skin Disorders in Dogs and Cats

The highest-grade domestically produced SPF pig (germ-free pig) derived placenta powder is an excellent match with Cordy.

Veterinarians who use placenta in clinical practice have shared many positive reports, such as “GGT and ALP values significantly decreased in a short period of time” and “Wound healing is very fast.”

When you are concerned about the following symptoms, it may be a good idea to consider the use of domestically-produced SPF pig placenta extract powder:

  • Pets with poor liver function
  • Pets with high liver values
  • Pets using medications such as anticancer drugs, steroids, or antibiotics
  • Pets with wounds that are difficult to heal
  • Pets with skin inflammation
  • Pets with skin issues
  • Pets with allergies such as atopic dermatitis
  • Pets whose coat you want to improve
  • Pets with low energy
Case Reports

Providing information to support your pet’s health>>

For those concerned about their dog’s or cat’s liver or skin condition

If your dog or cat has liver problems, liver disease, poor skin condition, slow wound healing, or is using medications such as anticancer drugs, steroids, or antibiotics, why not try domestically-produced SPF pig placenta extract powder?

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Recommended Reading

Placenta Improvement Examples
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