Click here for examples of cancer improvement in dogs and cats

If your beloved dog or cat is diagnosed with cancer or an incurable disease, it’s natural to feel negative. However, once such a diagnosis is made, regretting “If only I had done this then” or “If only I had taken them to the hospital sooner” does not turn back time. Instead, use that time to consider, “What can I do for them now?

Dogs and cats are more pure-hearted and sensitive to human emotions than we might think. When owners are down, crying, feeling hopeless, or full of worries and anxiety, dogs and cats can sense this and may also seem sad, be reluctant to come when called, or show a lack of interest in their food.

Just like humans, it seems that dogs and cats are also affected by the saying, “Illness comes from the mind.” In fact, during my time working at a veterinary hospital, I noticed that pets of worried owners often didn’t respond well to treatment, while pets of those with a positive, “we’ll get through this” attitude seemed to fare better.

Whether or not they understand human language directly, they likely grasp the gist of what their owners are feeling through facial expressions and atmosphere after living together for many years.

Always smiling, cheerful, and energetic—is honestly difficult to maintain. Given the nature of the illness, worries and anxieties arise even with minor issues, and this is the same for everyone. However, if you wish to enjoy as many happy moments as possible with your beloved pet, try not to show tears or complain in front of them.

As mentioned before, dogs and cats pick up on their owner’s expressions and mood to understand their situation. Seeing their owner constantly in tears may make them feel like they’re going to die soon, leading to a loss of the will to live.

• Let’s enjoy delicious meals together.

• Soon, it will be the perfect season for walks, so let’s go out together again.

Even talking to them like this can sometimes help them regain their spirits. In multi-pet households, some pets will try hard to eat to avoid losing the owner’s attention to others.

As long as they’re alive, there are still fun times and happy moments to be had.
I believe it’s very important to convey this to them.

Additionally, as the term “teate” (which also means “treatment”) suggests, touching your pet is an important part of treatment. The warmth and reassurance from being touched can help them feel they are not alone, improving their mental state and boosting their immune system.

Even if a veterinarian tells you there’s nothing more to be done, there are various things you can do, such as reconsidering their diet, keeping their abdomen warm, and using supplements.

But perhaps the best medicine for dogs and cats is having their owners spend time with them with a smile.

Living with a smile can start right now. Please, talk to your dogs and cats cheerfully and share many enjoyable moments with them.

And if you are uncertain about the treatment plan, make sure to talk thoroughly with your primary veterinarian, gradually reducing your worries.

Measures to Counteract Immune Suppression Due to Stress

Stress can reduce immune strength. At Cordy Labs, we also research the effects of stress on health.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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