Examples of Cancer Improvement in Dogs and Cats Here

Food List for Cancer Prevention: “Pets too, Follow the Principle of ‘Food as Medicine'”

goodfood02-1We are distributing a resource titled “Pets too, Follow the Principle of ‘Food as Medicine'” that provides hints on diet for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

By looking at “Food as Medicine for Pets”, you’ll understand what kind of diet to give to dogs and cats with cancer.

We also answer frequently asked questions about high-protein, low-carbohydrate meals.

Please feel free to take it home and use it for your beloved dogs and cats.


If you are interested, please continue reading.

Our Wish: “Somehow Reduce Cancer”

We created “Pets too, Follow the Principle of ‘Food as Medicine'” in collaboration with veterinarians who value the nutrition of dogs and cats, in order to widely disseminate information on “Diet that Helps Prevent Cancer”. We made sure to compile it with ingredients that are as accessible as possible.

Cancer in dogs and cats is increasing year by year.

As with any disease, prevention is more effective with lifestyle changes than with medication. This is especially true for cancer. We suggest starting by re-evaluating the diet, which is considered closely related to cancer.

We base our approach on the idea that feeding a lot of carbohydrates can increase the “risk of cancer.”

Specifically, we believe that it is better to moderate foods like grains and potatoes and instead provide high-protein foods such as meat, fish, and beans.

This idea is summarized in “Food as Medicine for Pets.”

“Our shared wish is for dogs and cats to live longer and for their owners’ smiles to increase even more.” To achieve this wish, we cannot ignore the cancer that poses a threat to pets.
We hope that you will take a look at “Food as Medicine” and start re-evaluating your daily diet where possible.

About the Basis of Our Content

Our idea of reducing carbohydrates is based on the fact that “the primary energy source for cancer is glucose.”

The way cancer cells use energy is very different from that of normal cells. Theoretically, cancer cells consume nearly 20 times more glucose than normal cells, using it as fuel for proliferation.

I don’t think there is any doctor or veterinarian involved in cancer treatment who doesn’t know that glucose is a primary energy source for cancer.

Recently, some of you may have undergone a PET-CT scan or a PET scan for cancer detection. Even if you haven’t, many of you are probably aware of such testing methods.
To explain PET scans simply:

  1. Inject a glucose analog
  2. The injected glucose travels through the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body
  3. Cancer absorbs the glucose (glucose accumulates where cancer is present)
  4. When an image is taken, the areas where glucose has accumulated light up

This mechanism allows for a full-body cancer scan in a single test.

The reason glucose accumulates where cancer is present is that cancer cells require much more glucose compared to healthy cells.

If you do not provide nutrition to cancer, its growth rate will decline. Therefore, we recommend reviewing your carbohydrate intake to reduce cancer risk, and we encourage everyone to practice this.

Past and New Common Sense

In the past, it was commonly believed that dog food for dogs and cat food for cats were the best diets for their health. Giving them human food was considered unconventional, and many pet owners have adhered to this belief.

However, times have changed, and past beliefs are gradually being reconsidered. The approach to pet diets naturally evolves as pets have become family members and now often live much longer than when outdoor pets rarely lived beyond ten years.

Today, nutritional deficiencies and caloric insufficiency are rarely an issue. The primary modern threat to pet health is cancer, which affects about half of all dogs and cats. Therefore, we should consider dietary balances that can help reduce cancer risk.

Pet foods that emulate the benefits of homemade diets have also started to appear. We are moving toward an era where the quality of a pet’s diet is more important than the quantity.

Reevaluation of dietary norms is already a step ahead in the human world. Recently, some doctors have begun actively promoting “dietary methods that overturn conventional wisdom,” which would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. Such opinions and recommendations are slowly gaining attention on television and in magazines, and more people are showing interest.

Protein, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids—these important elements that were often overlooked are now rightly being emphasized again.

Applying these principles to the animal field is still in its early stages. However, since veterinary medicine is bound to follow human medical advancements, there is no need to wait for that day to come. It’s perfectly fine to begin reevaluating your existing beliefs now.

We believe that instead of seeking treatment only after an illness occurs, creating diets and environments that make it difficult for diseases to develop will lead to true happiness for your beloved dogs and cats, and for you as their owner.

We hope you find “Pets and the Concept of Diet-Therapy Integration” useful.

Related Reading

Immune Support

Cordy, which is expected to have immune-modulating functions, is being researched for its role in building a disease-resistant body. Even if your pet is suffering from an illness, it is very important to implement immune support measures and review their diet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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