We would like to introduce a case where the liver values of dogs and cats with deteriorating liver function significantly improved by administering domestically produced SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) swine-derived placental extract powder. The liver is known as the “silent organ” and even if there is no deterioration in values, domestically produced SPF swine-derived placental extract powder may be effective for pets undergoing treatment with anticancer drugs, steroids, antibiotics, and other medications.

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Domestically produced SPF swine-derived placental extract powder is recommended for supporting the health of pets with poor liver function.

The liver is known as the silent organ. Even if symptoms are not clearly apparent, a pet that seems to be less energetic or appears tired might be experiencing liver function decline.

Moreover, most medications including steroids, antibiotics, and anticancer drugs can reduce liver function.

We frequently receive consultations for issues such as decreased energy and appetite, pets on medication for illness, or those with poor liver values in blood tests.

Below are examples of pets with poor liver function who were administered domestically produced SPF swine-derived placental extract powder.

Example 1: Pet with Poor Liver Function

Case of Improved Liver Values during ALT(GTP) Elevation

Animal species: Toy Poodle
Age and Gender: 14 years old, Male
Disease/Symptoms: Decreased liver function, gallbladder removal (cholecystolithiasis)
Provided by: Placenta Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (9th Placenta Clinical Research Association Conference Presentation)

This case was discovered incidentally during an X-ray which found cholecystolithiasis (bile retention) (Figure 1).

Example of liver function improvement with placental extract
A blood test showed elevated liver enzyme levels (ALT) (indicating decreased liver function), so a CT scan was done for symptom confirmation (Figure 1, bottom left). It was judged that there was a risk of rupture if left as is, leading to gallbladder removal surgery.

Post-surgery, liver enzyme levels (ALT) continued to rise, initially falling but then increasing again. Thus, domestically produced SPF swine-derived placental extract powder was mixed into the diet and administered once daily at 0.5g.

As a result, the liver enzyme level was 300U/l at the start of administration, but improved to 70U/l after 3 months of administration (see below).
Example of liver function improvement with placental extract
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Example 2: Pet with Poor Liver Function

Improvement from Increased ALT (GTP) and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

Animal species: Toy Poodle
Age and Gender: 8 years old, Female
Disease/Symptoms: Decreased liver function, cholecystolithiasis
Provided by: Placenta Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (9th Placenta Clinical Research Association Conference Presentation)

This Toy Poodle had previously undergone treatment for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, which subsequently worsened the liver condition, causing symptoms of jaundice and decreased energy.

The blood test results at that time (March 11, 2011) showed that both ALT (GTP) and ALP (alkaline phosphatase) levels exceeded the reference values significantly, with bilirubin (TBIL) also being unfavorable (indicating worsening liver function).

Example of liver function improvement with placental extract
An ultrasound was also conducted, considering surgery for suspected gallstones, but a diagnosis of cholecystolithiasis was made.
After diagnosis, the administration of domestic SPF pig-derived placenta extract powder mixed with the diet, at a dose of 0.5g once daily, was initiated.

In addition, “Spacral” was used concurrently, a human medication that promotes bile excretion. One tablet (40mg) was quartered, and a dose of 10mg per day was used.

As early as the fourth day after starting treatment, blood biochemistry test values began to show improvement, and by the end of two months, the values for ALT, ALP, and TBIL had recovered to within normal ranges.

Simultaneously, symptoms of jaundice disappeared, the coat became very shiny, and the animal regained full activity.
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
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Examples of Use in Pets with Poor Liver Function 3

Example of improvement in liver values from ALT(GTP) elevation

Species: Toy Poodle
Age & Sex: 14 years old, Male
Disease & Symptoms: Liver dysfunction, gallbladder stones (case), gallbladder removal
Information provided by: Placenta Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Administered 0.5g of domestic SPF pig-derived placenta extract powder mixed with the diet once daily.
After two months, blood tests showed a decrease in liver enzyme ALT (GPT) levels. (*Improvement in liver function)
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
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Examples of Use in Pets with Poor Liver Function 4

Example of improvement in liver values from ALT(GTP) elevation

Species: Japanese Cat (Nihon Neko)
Age & Sex: 16 years old, Male
Disease & Symptoms: Liver dysfunction
Information provided by: Placenta Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Administered 0.5g of domestic SPF pig-derived placenta extract powder mixed with the diet once daily.
After two months, blood tests showed a decrease in liver enzyme ALT (GPT) levels. (*Improvement in liver function)
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
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Examples of Use in Pets with Poor Liver Function 5

Example of improvement in liver values from ALT(GTP) elevation

Species: Miniature Dachshund
Age & Sex: 12 years old, Male
Disease & Symptoms: Liver tumor, hepatomegaly
Information provided by: Placenta Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Administered 0.5g of domestic SPF pig-derived placenta extract powder mixed with the diet once daily.
After 16 days of administration, blood tests showed a decrease in liver enzyme ALT (GPT) levels. (*Improvement in liver function)
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
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Case 6: Pet with Poor Liver Function

Reduction in GPT, ALP, TBIL (Total Bilirubin), and Glu (Blood Glucose) levels

Species: Border Collie
Age and Gender: 12 years old
Disease: Liver cancer
Information provided by: Placenta Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Despite receiving veterinary treatment, the pet’s liver values did not decrease (indicating that liver function was likely impaired due to high liver values), so they began administering Domestic SPF Pig-Derived Placenta Extract Powder. One month after starting the administration of Domestic SPF Pig-Derived Placenta Extract Powder, significant decreases in GPT, ALP, TBIL (Total Bilirubin), and Glu (Blood Glucose) levels were observed.
Example of liver function improvement with placenta
Providing information to support your pet’s health>>

Improving Liver Function with Placenta

It is not uncommon to see improvements in pets with deteriorating liver or kidney function when administered Domestic SPF Pig-Derived Placenta Extract Powder. The effects can be evaluated in a short period of about one to one and a half months.

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