We would like to introduce a case report from a veterinarian where the administration of Cordy resulted in the disappearance of metastatic thyroid cancer in a dog’s lungs.

Case Study: Thyroid Cancer with Lung Metastasis in Dogs

What is Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid tumors occur in less than 2% of all canine tumors, making them quite rare. However, many are malignant thyroid cancers prone to lymph node metastasis.

Furthermore, it has been reported that dogs with hypothyroidism are at higher risk of developing thyroid cancer.

Thyroid masses can occur unilaterally or bilaterally. The main symptoms may include coughing, difficulty swallowing food, and rapid breathing.

Managing the Condition with Cordy

We have received a report that cancer metastasized to the lungs was controlled with the administration of Cordy.

Information provided by: Blueminton Animal Hospital (Suginami-ku, Tokyo)

Case Details

Miniature Dachshund, 15 years old, male, weight 4.74–5.46 kg (when in good condition, over 5 kg)

Treatment Commencement: January 6, 2015

On January 6, 2015, the dog presented with a lack of appetite, and a tumor in the lungs was already confirmed at that time. Considering the dog’s age and physical condition, aggressive treatment was not chosen, and administration of Cordy was started. Soon after, the dog’s energy and appetite improved.

On February 22, 2015, a week’s worth of Cordy was prescribed after a visit. The dog did not return for further visits as the condition improved.
Pre-treatment for thyroid cancer with lung metastasisPre-treatment for thyroid cancer with lung metastasis

Pre-treatment for thyroid cancer with lung metastasis

June 20, 2015

The dog presented with significant coughing and lack of appetite. X-rays showed that some masses (metastases) had reduced in size compared to January. At this time, only homeopathic remedies were prescribed, and Cordy was not given.

The dog visited again in August 2015 due to dislocation of the tarsal joint. Appetite was reported to be good, and there were no visits after September.
Pre-treatment for thyroid cancer with lung metastasisPre-treatment for thyroid cancer with lung metastasis

Pre-treatment for thyroid cancer with lung metastasis

June 11, 2016: Long-Awaited Follow-Up Visit

Primary complaints: difficulty breathing, coughing, lack of appetite
Weight: 5.02 kg
X-rays confirmed the enlargement of lung masses.
Start of Cordy administration: 0.4g/kg
Concomitant medication: Ninjin Eiyou Tou (Ginseng Nutritional Decoction)
An oxygen chamber was rented for the dog.
Pre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung MetastasisPre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung Metastasis

Pre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung Metastasis

June 18, 2016

Weight: 4.74 kg
Appetite is gradually improving.
Cough persists, but activity is getting better.
Breathing appears easier compared to last visit, even at the hospital.
Concurrent medications: Ninjin-eiyoto, Immuni SF 1 packet/day

June 25, 2016

Weight: 5.26 kg
Appetite has increased and is close to normal.
Cough persists, but breathing is easier than last week.
Unable to finish the full dose of Immuni SF, estimated to be taking about one packet per week.

July 10, 2016: One Month After Treatment Initiation

Weight: 5.46 kg
Energy and appetite present, cough persists but is reducing.
X-ray confirms reduction of lung mass (metastasis).
Managed to consume half a packet of Immuni SF.

Pre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung MetastasisPre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung Metastasis

August 7, 2016: About Two Months After Treatment Initiation

Weight: 5.42 kg
Active and nearly back to normal.
X-ray shows almost no visible lung mass.

No further visits due to improved condition.
Pre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung MetastasisPre-treatment of Thyroid Cancer Lung Metastasis

Immune Modulating Functions Expected from Cordy

Taking measures to bolster the immune system is very important. Cordy does this without burdening the body.

Our lab is researching whether administering Cordy can modulate the immune system, stabilize quality of life, improve overall health trends, and hold potential effectiveness against cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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