Nasal adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor that occurs inside a dog’s nasal cavity. Although there are risks associated with anesthesia, radiation therapy is considered the first choice of treatment. While this type of cancer is troublesome, it is believed that by engaging in immune system activities, it is possible to improve overall health, maintain quality of life (QOL), and restore energy and appetite. There have been numerous cases where immune measures with Cordy have successfully managed cancer in dogs.

This page summarizes the characteristics, symptoms, treatments, and tips for improvement and cure of nasal adenocarcinoma. Many improvement cases are also introduced. We hope this information can be a source of support and a light of hope for everyone.

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What is Nasal Adenocarcinoma in Dogs?

Adenocarcinoma refers to epithelial tumors that arise from glandular tissues of various organs in the body, such as lung adenocarcinoma, lymphadenoma, and gastric adenocarcinoma. Among them, nasal adenocarcinoma is one of the malignant nasal tumors and is one of the most common tumors in the nasal cavity of dogs.

Although metastasis is rare, complete surgical removal is difficult, and local treatments combined with radiation therapy are the mainstay.

If detection and treatment are delayed, the survival duration is about six months. However, with radiation therapy, the one-year survival rate is said to be around 50%. Depending on efforts such as immune measures and dietary improvements at home, life expectancy can be extended.

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Symptoms of Canine Nasal Adenocarcinoma

Many cases of nasal adenocarcinoma are discovered when dogs are brought to the veterinary hospital due to persistent nasal bleeding (epistaxis). Nasal bleeding can have various causes, such as rhinitis, inflammation of the tooth roots, trauma, and coagulation disorders, but if persistent nasal bleeding is observed, a tumor in the nasal cavity is often suspected and needs to be checked.

Other symptoms include continuous nasal discharge and difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion.

As canine nasal adenocarcinoma progresses, it can metastasize to the lungs and brain. If it metastasizes to the brain, various symptoms can appear depending on the affected brain area, for example, unsteadiness, circling, changes in taste, difficulty eating properly, and impaired vision.

In cases of metastasis to the lungs, breathing may become labored and coughing can occur.

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Treatment for Canine Nasal Adenocarcinoma

The first choice of treatment is radiation therapy. However, because anesthesia is required for radiation therapy, chemotherapy may be selected if it is determined that the dog cannot withstand the risks of anesthesia, especially in elderly dogs.

If metastasis to the lungs or brain occurs, chemotherapy may be performed, but its effectiveness is generally limited.

When performing chemotherapy, it is essential to confirm whether the treatment is effective by monitoring recovery in energy and appetite, as well as tumor reduction.
Please also check for signs of lethargy or loss of appetite as potential side effects.

If the benefits outweigh the side effects, continuing chemotherapy is valuable. Otherwise, it is recommended to have a thorough discussion with your veterinarian about whether to continue the treatment.

Those who have been advised to undergo chemotherapy, are currently in treatment, or are uncertain about continuing treatment can refer to the following articles.

Related Articles on Chemotherapy

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Immune Support for Nasal Gland Cancer in Dogs

For nasal gland cancer, radiation therapy is the first choice, but surgery may be difficult due to age or health conditions.

However, stabilizing the immune system can often alleviate symptoms and inhibit tumor progression.

Cordyceps, which is expected to have immune-modulating effects, may help inhibit tumor growth and prevent recurrence.

While the response may vary, there is a good chance it can at least stimulate appetite and restore vitality.

Of course, Cordyceps is also safe for preventive use, as it has no side effects like pharmaceuticals. Preventing cancer is considered the best approach, not just limited to nasal gland cancer.

Our laboratory is studying whether Cordyceps administration can modulate the immune system and if it can be effective against cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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