There are various types of cancer that can develop inside a dog’s nasal cavity. Many of the tumors that develop in the nasal cavity are malignant (cancerous). As these tumors progress, they can cause a variety of symptoms. However, it is believed that by implementing immune measures, we can improve the dog’s condition, maintain their quality of life (QOL), and restore their energy and appetite. In fact, there have been numerous cases where cancer in dogs has been controlled through immune measures using Cordy.

This page summarizes the causes, symptoms, treatments, and hints for improvement and cure of nasal tumors. Many examples of improvement are also introduced. We hope this can be a support and a light of hope for everyone.

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What Are Nasal Cavity Tumors in Dogs?

The nasal cavity is located inside the nostrils and serves as the passage for air and the region responsible for the sense of smell, making it a very important organ. Most of the tumors that develop in the nasal cavity are malignant, commonly including nasal adenocarcinoma and sarcomas (fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and osteosarcoma). Among these malignant tumors, two-thirds are adenocarcinomas. Less commonly, other types such as lymphoma, mast cell tumor, and olfactory neuroblastoma can also occur.

It is said that if a malignant nasal adenocarcinoma and other such tumors are left untreated, it can often result in death within six months.

Causes of Nasal Cavity Tumors in Dogs

The causes are mostly unknown, but dogs with long noses (such as Shetland Sheepdogs, Collies, Dachshunds, etc.) and older dogs tend to be more susceptible. Additionally, there is a higher incidence in dogs owned by smokers compared to non-smokers, suggesting a potential link to tobacco.

Since cigarette smoke can potentially cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, consider smoking in areas where your dog is not present.

Symptoms of Nasal Cavity Tumors in Dogs

Early symptoms of a nasal cavity tumor in dogs are similar to those of rhinitis and can include mucous nasal discharge, sneezing, and eye discharge, with occasional nosebleeds.

As the tumor progresses within the nasal cavity, symptoms can include facial swelling or deformity, protrusion of the eyeballs, mouth breathing, difficulty breathing, and bone dissolution near the face. In more advanced stages, neurological symptoms such as seizures, convulsions, and changes in personality can be observed.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasal Cavity Tumors in Dogs

The symptoms of nasal cavity tumors can resemble non-tumorous conditions (such as fungal rhinitis, bacterial rhinitis, hypertension, and immune-mediated lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis), so differential diagnosis is essential.
If a nasal tumor is suspected, the tumor will be checked using X-rays, CT, or MRI under general anesthesia.

If the tumor is confirmed, cells will be collected to determine if the tumor is malignant or benign.

Because metastasis is rare, local treatment is primarily used. However, if the tumor has metastasized to the lungs or brain, the effectiveness of local therapy is limited.

Surgery – Treatment for Nasal Tumors in Dogs

In the past, surgical procedures were often used, but because it is difficult to completely remove the tumor in this area, only partial excision or curettage of the tumor is performed (palliative surgery).

Radiation Therapy – Treatment for Nasal Tumors in Dogs

This has become the first-choice treatment in recent years. When treated with radiation therapy, the 1-year survival rate is said to be about 50%.

Prevention Methods for Nasal Tumors in Dogs

Exposure to chemical substances in the environment, such as tobacco smoke, air fresheners, and fabric softeners, may be related, so eliminating these harmful substances can help reduce the risk of developing nasal tumors.

Treatment and Daily Care for Dogs with Nasal Tumors

Even if a dog has a nasal tumor, improving prognosis can be expected by properly implementing immune measures.

Cordy, which is expected to have immune-regulating functions, is considered potentially helpful in suppressing tumor growth and preventing recurrence.

While it’s uncertain how much it will respond, at the very least, it may help improve appetite and restore energy.

Of course, for prevention, the high safety of Cordy means it can be used with peace of mind. Cordy does not have the side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs. We believe that cancer prevention, including nasal gland cancer, is the best approach.

Our research lab is conducting studies to see if immune regulation can be achieved and whether there is an expected effect on cancer by administering Cordy.

Additionally, in the case of nasal tumors, we recommend giving krill oil extracted from Antarctic krill together with EPA/DHA to reduce inflammation.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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