Histiocytic sarcoma in dogs is an extremely aggressive malignant tumor (cancer) that progresses rapidly and tends to metastasize easily, leading to a poor prognosis. Even with aggressive treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, the survival period is often only a few months. However, enhancing immune response efforts may maintain QOL (Quality of Life) and allow for long-term survival. There are numerous cases where controlling cancer in dogs with immunity measures, such as those provided by Cordy, has been successful.

Do not despair if your beloved dog is diagnosed with histiocytic sarcoma. We introduce many examples of improvement. We hope to be a source of support and a light of hope for you and your dog.

Examples of Cancer Improvement in Dogs

What is Histiocytic Sarcoma in Dogs?

Histiocytic sarcoma is a malignant tumor originating from interstitial dendritic cells in dogs—essentially cancer, which rapidly disseminates and metastasizes throughout the body. Dendritic cells play a role in the immune system by providing abnormal information to T lymphocytes. When these cells become cancerous, they cause immune system abnormalities.

Breeds that are highly susceptible include Flat-Coated Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Welsh Corgis.

Histiocytic sarcoma is classified into two types: localized histiocytic sarcoma, which is singular, and disseminated histiocytic sarcoma, which is multiple. However, even localized cases can rapidly spread throughout the body, making it difficult to differentiate between localized and disseminated forms. Additionally, there is another type called hemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma.

Localized Histiocytic Sarcoma


The exact cause is unclear, but a genetic link has been established.


It often occurs in the limbs, especially around the joints, causing pain and lameness. It can also arise from internal organs such as the stomach, lungs, liver, and spleen, as well as the central nervous system, presenting clinical symptoms depending on the affected site (digestive system: vomiting or diarrhea, central nervous system: seizures, etc.).


1. Surgery
The median survival time with surgery alone is reported to be five months. When it occurs around the joints, it is associated with very severe pain that typical painkillers cannot alleviate, which sometimes necessitates amputation. However, because it is difficult to completely remove the tumor if it has metastasized, combined treatment with chemotherapy is recommended.

2. Chemotherapy
Alkylating agents such as CCNU (Generic name: Lomustine) and Doxorubicin are used as first-line medications. These oral medications can be administered at home. Recently, Palladia, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has also been used.

However, it is important to handle chemotherapy drugs with caution as they are carcinogenic. Taking Cordy to regulate the immune system can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and provide synergistic effects.

About CCNU
Product name: Lomustine
This is an orally administered medicine. It is an anti-cancer drug that inhibits DNA synthesis to suppress the growth of tumor cells. It is used for lymphomas, mast cell tumors, histiocytic diseases, as well as for brain tumors, due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Side Effects: Gastrointestinal toxicity, bone marrow toxicity, and potentially liver failure with continued treatment.

When deciding to undergo cancer treatment, it is expected to improve the quality of life (QOL) by taking countermeasures against side effects with
Cordy for immune support and
Placenta extract from domestic SPF pigs for liver and kidney care.

Related Articles on Anti-Cancer Drugs

③ Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is relatively effective, and tumors respond well to fractionated radiotherapy. It is also effective in alleviating pain, but since it is only a local treatment, it cannot control metastasis throughout the body. It can be used alone or in combination with anti-cancer drugs.

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