We have received a report from a pet owner about a case where Cordy was used to control oral melanoma over the long term. Melanoma is a highly malignant cancer, but it is not uncommon for cases to be controlled with Cordy, leading to improvements in energy and appetite.

Use Case of Oral Melanoma

What is Oral Melanoma?

Oral melanoma is a highly malignant tumor with a high recurrence rate even after surgery. Additionally, it is a disease with a poor prognosis because chemotherapy is often ineffective.

However, it is possible to control the condition over the long term while maintaining quality of life (QOL) by boosting the immune system and reviewing lifestyle habits such as diet.
Click here for more on the causes, symptoms, tests, treatments, and improvement methods for oral melanoma. Please refer to it.

Controlling Melanoma with Cordy

M. Dachshund, 12 years old, 7 kg
  • Mid-March 2017: Oral melanoma detected.
  • March 24: Started using Cordy.
  • Observed tumor growth, right eye protrusion, and swelling of the right cheek.
  • Late April: Added organic germanium to Cordy and started using painkillers concurrently.

We received a consultation in June 2017.

Although there was no metastasis, the owner was worried about tumor growth. The dog loves yogurt, but because dairy products may promote tumor growth, we recommended switching to ” Tonym Yogurt” made from soy milk.

Additionally, because dogs with tumors or those on homemade diets tend to be prone to iron deficiency, we advised incorporating liver into the diet.

The owner reported that the dog’s appetite decreased due to concern about the tumor, which can hinder the body’s ability to fight the tumor due to energy deficiency. Therefore, we suggested force-feeding within a reasonable range.

When the appetite was low, the dog ate everything when the diet was topped with an egg.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, so we assured the owner that it was safe to continue offering them.
※ When feeding eggs, make sure the whites are thoroughly cooked.

From late June, gradual changes in the tumor were observed. By July, the melanoma had become much less noticeable, and the dog’s face, which had been distorted, returned to normal. The dog is now able to run around energetically during walks and can sleep on its back, as reported by the owner.

When dogs or cats can sleep on their backs, it indicates that they are in good health.
The photo when the swelling on the right cheek was the worst Controlling melanoma with Cordy (after)


Here is the photo when the swelling on the right cheek was at its worst.

The photo when the swelling on the right cheek was the worst


There is almost no bleeding or drooling from the mouth, and the condition seems to be stable. Cordy is being given three to four times a day with homemade meals.

The homemade meals are based on the “Food is Medicine” guidelines prepared by Monolith. The meals include well-cooked meat, vegetables, tofu, grated ginger, and mushrooms. Also, two to three times a week, liver and bonito flakes are added.

Before the melanoma was discovered, the weight was 6.5 kg, but now it has increased to 7 kg.

It is often difficult for animals with tumors to gain weight, so the observed weight gain suggests that some improvement in constitution and the ability to absorb nutrients may be occurring.

During this season, there is also a high risk of heatstroke due to dehydration, so it is recommended to provide oral rehydration solutions (please use pet-specific or baby-specific ones) in addition to tap water.

The pet will turn 13 years old in September, so we hope they can get through the hot summer and safely celebrate their birthday.

It is not uncommon for the condition of dogs with cancer to improve by reviewing their usual diet. It is particularly important to reduce the intake of glucose as much as possible, as it can nourish cancer cells.

Below, you will find articles about diet that may be helpful.

Recommended Reading
  • About Low-Protein Diet for Cats with Kidney Disease
  • Supplementing BCAAs for Dogs and Cats with Low Energy and Liver or Kidney Problems
  • Healthy Gut! ~Boosting Immunity from the Gut~ Recommendations for Probiotics and Gut Health