We have received a case report where Cordy was administered for oral melanoma and the tumor disappeared.
It is not uncommon for the progression of oral melanoma to be controlled by taking Cordy. Although melanoma has a high recurrence rate even after surgery, administering Cordy immediately after surgery might help control the condition.

Addressing Oral Melanoma in Dogs and Cats

What is Oral Melanoma in Dogs and Cats?

Melanoma in dogs and cats is a highly malignant tumor, with a high recurrence rate even after surgery. Additionally, melanoma has a poor prognosis as chemotherapy is generally ineffective.

However, if the immune cells can function properly, it is expected that the growth of highly malignant melanoma tumors can be prevented.

We received a usage report from Shiota Animal Hospital in Suginami, Tokyo, which has been featured on programs like NHK Professional, Tensai Shimura Dobutsuen, and Mirai Theater. They provided Cordy to two dogs with oral melanoma. Please also refer to our detailed article about melanoma in dogs.

Disappearance of Melanoma in Toy Poodles with Cordy

Information provided by Shiota Animal Hospital
Minami-Ogikubo 1-6-14, Suginami, Tokyo

[Cordy Usage for Oral Melanoma]

Report from Veterinarian Shiota

Cordy usage in two cases of oral melanoma treatment in Toy Poodles.

Both cases were transferred from another clinic to Shiota Animal Hospital. Dog A was a 16-year-old male weighing 3.4 kg.
The tumor (melanoma) was observed on the outer gingiva along the premolars to the molars of the right lower jaw, easily prone to tearing and bleeding.

Dog B was a 10-year-old female weighing about 6 kg. The tumor was in almost the same location as Dog A, but it tended to invade internally and showed a frequent tendency to bleed. The tumor’s size was reduced through surgery.

These melanomas were diagnosed by Professor Machida of the Veterinary Medicine Department at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.

The dosage was 0.4% of the body weight of Cordy administered orally as a daily dose. Both dogs A and B received the medication, and within a year, the tumors gradually became less noticeable. The owners opted to continue the medication afterward. *For a 5 kg dog, the dosage is 2g.

In our hospital, Cordy is used not only for melanoma but also in many other cases. Beyond these two reports, there are many cases where tumors became nearly unnoticeable in about 15% of cases. Additionally, tumors did not worsen in about 50% of the cases, even if they did not disappear.

Not limited to melanoma, the usual response when Cordy is used is the recovery of appetite in animals that had lost it, usually within a few days of starting the medication. Of course, not all results are positive, and some animals do pass away. However, as most passed peacefully, many owners felt their pets did their best, which is a comforting interpretation for the treating veterinarians.

There are cases where owners with their own tumors, who were given a two-month prognosis, knowing our hospital’s usage, purchased and took Cordy through mail order. Even after more than a year, they are still living a normal life, traveling, and maintaining regular activities.

Though this article focuses on melanoma, we have observed positive results in many other types of tumors as well.

Currently, we are conducting further research on the proliferation of natural killer cells in the affected areas through blood tests. At the same time, we are considering using drugs to suppress the generation of reactive oxygen species due to the blood circulation failure within the tumors.

Director Makoto Shiota

Cordy for Immunity Support in Dogs with Cancer

At the Cordy Research Laboratory, we believe that incorporating Cordy as part of immune support in cancer treatment at veterinary hospitals can potentially improve prognosis, and we continue to advance our research in this area.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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