We have received a case report of an elderly dog, diagnosed with oral melanoma and given a prognosis of two months, being managed long-term through chemotherapy and Cordy. Cordy is also expected to mitigate the side effects of chemotherapy.

A Case of Maintenance Using Cordy for Oral Melanoma in Dogs

What is Oral Melanoma?

When thinking of highly malignant melanomas in dogs, the first that comes to mind is oral melanoma. Oral melanoma in dogs is extremely malignant with rapid progression and frequently metastasizes to lymph nodes and lungs.

However, there are cases where the condition can be controlled long-term while maintaining a high QOL (Quality of Life) by administering Cordy and reviewing lifestyle habits such as diet.

This page provides a detailed explanation about Melanoma and Oral Melanoma in Dogs. Please take a look.

Example of Cordy Use for Oral Melanoma

Corgi, 15 years old, 14.5kg
  • Noticed swelling on the face in September 2015, diagnosed with oral melanoma on September 26.
  • Metastasis to lymph nodes, no lung metastasis.
  • Given a prognosis of two months.

Although initially trying a homemade diet after switching from a pH-adjusted diet resulted in diarrhea, they returned to the original pH-adjusted diet for one of the two meals and started administering Cordy.


Progress (Personal Impressions)

October 3, 2015

First chemotherapy (Carboplatin). As the dog experienced a week of loss of appetite, Cordy was mixed into various foods for intake.

20F6C476-2BA4-4113-8C73-CA9901B47791 Condition two weeks after starting treatment.

November 14

Third chemotherapy session. The tumor size reduced from 3cm to 2cm. No significant side effects from chemotherapy.

December 26

Fifth chemotherapy session. No lung metastasis observed.
As there were some abnormalities in the blood tests, liver medication was prescribed.
Diet changed to dog food.

Although given a prognosis of two months, the condition was not bad even after two months had passed.

February 6, 2016

Seventh chemotherapy session. Tumor size further reduced to 1cm.
No significant changes in blood tests. Kidney medication (Nefguard) was added to the liver medication.

February 14

Safely celebrated their 15th birthday.

March 19

Ninth chemotherapy session. Tumor size remained unchanged.
After a family discussion, they decided to discontinue chemotherapy. Continued with Nefguard and the same dosage of Cordy.

May 14

Tumor size remained unchanged.

Current Condition (Personal Impressions)

Suppressing the Immune Decline with Cordy

Though showing age-appropriate decline, the dog has a healthy appetite and there has been almost no change regarding the tumor.
Considering the average lifespan of Corgis, their immune system tends to weaken quite easily, and under such conditions, the use of chemotherapy often results in significant side effects. In the case of your dog, it is believed that by having administered Cordy in higher amounts, it helped suppress the decline in immune strength, alleviated the side effects of the chemotherapy, and allowed for effective tumor treatment, leading to the current positive result.

Chemotherapy is worth using when the benefit (effect) > disadvantage (side effects). However, with continued use, cancer cells can develop resistance to the chemotherapy, making it less effective over time (benefit < disadvantage).

When this happens, it is often recommended to use stronger chemotherapy drugs, but the stronger the drugs, the more severe the side effects. All medications, including chemotherapy, come with side effects.

By maximizing the benefits of this medication and covering the disadvantages, maintaining a good quality of life (QOL) is possible. To minimize the burden on your dog’s or cat’s body, we recommend reviewing their daily diet and considering measures to boost their immune system.

Articles Related to Chemotherapy

Cordy is Recommended for Managing Chemotherapy Side Effects

Whenever chemotherapy is administered, side effects are almost inevitable. Even if the tumor reduces in size, if the pet becomes lethargic due to side effects, it’s hard to say their quality of life is being maintained.

At the Cordy Research Lab, we are conducting studies to see if administering Cordy can boost the immune system and reduce side effects, or help recover quickly from the damage caused by side effects. Since chemotherapy also carries the risk of decreased liver function, we strongly recommend using Cordy along with placental extract derived from domestic SPF pigs.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
※We are also researching the application of Cordy, a specific type of Cordyceps fungus expected to have immune-regulating functions, for humans as well.

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