We received a case report of a dog with mesenteric lymphoma that maintained its energy and appetite while taking Cordy, so we would like to introduce it to you.

Case Study: Use of Cordy for Mesenteric Lymphoma (Malignant Lymphoma) in Dogs

Canine Lymphoma is a malignant tumor caused by the transformation of lymphocytes into cancer cells. Depending on the tissue where it occurs, it can be classified into several types including Multicentric Lymphoma, Mediastinal Lymphoma, Gastrointestinal Lymphoma, Extranodal Lymphoma, and Cutaneous Lymphoma.

This time, we received a report on the use of Cordy in combination with Homotoxicology for a Miniature Dachshund with lymphoma affecting the mesentery and abdomen. Here, we present the case.

Information provided by: Ai Animal Hospital

[Mesenteric Lymphoma: Combating with Cordy and Homotoxicology]

Breed: Miniature Dachshund

Sex: Spayed Female
Date of Birth: November 7, 2003

July 2015

The dog exhibited chronic coughing (due to tracheal collapse) and chronic bloody stools. She had been receiving treatment at another clinic but without improvement. Suspecting the symptoms were due to lymphoma, the owner opted for natural therapy and transferred to our clinic.

October 27, 2015

We started the administration of Cordy and organic germanium orally, and subcutaneous injections of homotoxicology (once a week). Due to the narrow stools and strong straining during defecation, lymphoma near the rectum was suspected.

With the above treatment, by late November, the number of coughing episodes had decreased, the stools had become slightly thicker, and the frequency of bloody stools had also reduced.

Until late December 2015: Oral administration of Cordy, subcutaneous injection of homotoxicology (once a week)
Until late February 2016: Oral administration of Cordy, subcutaneous injection of homotoxicology (once every two weeks)
Until July 2016: Oral administration of Cordy, subcutaneous injection of homotoxicology (once a month)

Currently, there are almost no episodes of bloody stools or coughing, and it is reported that the pet is maintaining energy and appetite.

In the case of elderly pets, aggressive treatment can sometimes result in loss of life. Allowing them to spend their remaining time comfortably can be an area where Cordy may be of help.

Additionally, since homotoxicology promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, it is thought that its success may be due to effectively expelling toxins while restoring the immune system.

Our laboratory is conducting research on whether the administration of Cordy and organic germanium can modulate the immune system and potentially have an effect on cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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Case Report on Lymphoma