The domestically-produced SPF pig-derived placenta powder is expected to improve liver function in dogs, cats, and other pets. It might be worth trying for one to two months if you are concerned about liver function.

Effects of Placenta on Skin

Another significant effect of the placenta is the improvement of skin conditions. It can potentially help with not only simple redness and itching, atopic dermatitis, and allergies but also in speeding up the healing of post-surgical wounds and improving bald patches.

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)

The skin is divided into three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue. FGF acts on the proliferation and regeneration of fibroblasts present in the dermal layer of the skin. Since fibroblasts are involved in the production of skin-related components such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin, stimulating these cells is expected to help maintain healthy skin. Particularly in cases where long-term use of steroids has destroyed fibroblasts and thinned the skin, using this can help normalize the skin.
Additionally, EGF acts on the epidermal layer of the skin, aiding in the growth, repair, and regeneration of the skin. It can help maintain elastic skin and also aid in wound healing. The delayed wound healing due to aging is attributed to a decrease in EGF with age.

Activation of Metabolism

By activating metabolism, the turnover of the skin is promoted. Various growth factors present in the placenta, its blood circulation-promoting effect, and the abundance of amino acids can be expected to promote metabolism.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

In cases of atopic dermatitis, the decrease in skin moisturizing components results in dry conditions, causing the skin’s barrier function to diminish, allowing allergens to penetrate easily and resulting in inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of the placenta can alleviate skin inflammation, thus potentially reducing itching and redness.

Anti-Allergic Effects

It exhibits the effect of suppressing allergic reactions by reducing the production of IgE, which is involved in allergies. Additionally, it contains immunosuppressive substances, which can suppress the excessive functioning of the immune system, thereby expectedly reducing allergic reactions.

Promoting Blood Circulation

Enhancing blood circulation helps deliver nutrients to various regions, ensuring the supply of necessary nutrients and oxygen for skin formation, thus promoting skin regeneration and hair growth. Furthermore, promoting blood circulation is involved in activating metabolism and is related to the excretion of waste products from the body.

Hormonal Balance Regulation

An imbalance in hormones can affect the body in various ways, but regulating this balance is expected to help avoid physical problems.

Suppression of Melanin Production

Melanin pigments are produced in large quantities due to skin inflammation caused by reactive oxygen species. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the placenta can suppress melanin production. Additionally, the activation of metabolism and blood circulation-promoting effects of the placenta are expected to help excrete melanin pigments and improve hyperpigmentation.

Due to these effects, improvements in skin conditions can be observed.
The turnover cycle of dog and cat skin is said to be 21 days. Maintaining the health of their skin can facilitate smooth turnover, helping to maintain clean skin and coats. Placenta may be beneficial for those pets who have persistent itching or moist dermatitis, those on long-term steroid treatment, or those with poor wound healing after surgery.

For Those Concerned About Their Dog or Cat’s Liver and Skin Health

If you are worried about the condition of your pet’s skin or liver, or if your pet is already suffering from a liver disease, please refer to this page and the links below for tips on improving their energy and appetite.

At the Cordy Lab, we are also researching the application of Cordy, which has immunomodulatory potential, and domestic SPF pig-derived placenta extract in humans.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Example of Placenta Improvement
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Case Reports
  • Cases of Improvement in Atopy, Skin Diseases, and Coat Condition in Dogs and Cats