When the liver function of dogs, cats, and other pets deteriorates, resulting in high liver enzyme levels, or when their skin wounds heal poorly, they have atopy, or their coat lacks shine and luster, administering placenta can be expected to improve these conditions. Here, we will explain what placenta is, the types available, and other related details.

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Examples of Placenta Improvement

Even if you have heard the term placenta before, you might still have many questions about its effects and what conditions it is suitable for.

In this page, we will introduce the benefits and applicable diseases of placenta.

What is Placenta?

Placenta, translated into Japanese as “胎盤 (taiban)”, particularly refers to the “placental extract” derived from mammalian placenta in Japan. The placenta is responsible for supporting fetal development, and to aid in this function, it contains not just the three major nutrients (protein, lipids, carbohydrates), but also vitamins, minerals, nucleic acids, and oxygen, among many other nutrients.

Apart from these nutrients, it also includes factors that enhance antioxidant capacity, mucopolysaccharides like hyaluronic acid, and numerous growth factors, thus proven effective in improving various conditions.

Types of Placenta

Placenta can be categorized into various types depending on the species of animal from which it is extracted.

① Human Placenta

This type is extracted from human placentas and is recognized as a pharmaceutical product by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan, allowed for use and prescription only in medical institutions. Examples currently in use are “Laennec” for cirrhosis and liver function improvement, and “Melsmon” for menopausal symptoms and lactation insufficiency.

② Bovine Placenta

In the past, placenta derived from cows was also used, but it is now prohibited due to the issue of BSE (mad cow disease).

③ Porcine Placenta

Currently, the majority of placenta available on the market is sourced from pigs. Pigs that are free from specific diseases harmful to their health are called “SPF pigs”. These pigs are raised under strict control, making placenta supplements derived from SPF pigs safe to use.

④ Equine Placenta

Since the placenta is larger, this type contains more amino acids compared to porcine placenta. Horses have a higher basal body temperature than pigs, which is said to reduce the likelihood of parasite infestation, ensuring higher safety. However, with SPF pigs, the risk of parasites can be negated, so there is no need to worry about parasite infections. Although equine placenta is more rare and typically higher priced than porcine placenta, the effectiveness of the supplements can vary depending on the rearing environment of the animals and the extraction and manufacturing methods of the extract, so it is not always possible to say which one is more effective.

⑤ Ovine Placenta

(Translation for this section was not provided in the original text.)
Due to the similarity in composition between human placenta and amino acids, it integrates easily with the body and, when used topically, has the advantage of penetrating the skin effectively. Additionally, due to higher immunity compared to pigs, less medication such as vaccines is needed during developmental stages, allowing for the procurement of high-purity placenta. However, due to the impact of BSE, a 2001 directive was issued stating that “placenta from animals close to cattle (ruminants) cannot be used as raw material.” Consequently, current supplies are imports from New Zealand and Switzerland, resulting in limited distribution.

6. Plant Placenta

As previously mentioned, placenta refers to extracts derived from the placenta of mammals. Therefore, it is impossible to extract placenta from plants that lack placentas. The term “plant placenta” is a coined term used for formulations that mimic animal placenta. While they contain vitamins, amino acids, and minerals, they do not include growth factors, making their efficacy in improving pathological conditions uncertain.

Placenta Improvement Example
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Benefits of Placenta

1. Removal of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Reactive oxygen species refer to highly oxidative oxygen molecules; simply put, they are the “body’s rust.” Accumulation of ROS can lead to aging and make one prone to diseases. ROS are produced when oxygen in the body activates to generate energy. While this occurs even during normal daily activities, excessive ROS can be produced due to harmful substances, smoking, stress, mental states such as anger and anxiety, and overeating and drinking. By removing ROS, it’s expected to prevent aging and protect against diseases.

2. Anti-inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is the body’s defense mechanism when exposed to harmful stimuli. However, prolonged or chronic inflammation can cause diseases. A well-known example would be atopic dermatitis or gastric ulcers evolving from gastritis. Interestingly, tumors are also considered a type of chronic inflammation, which is why anti-inflammatory steroids are prescribed during tumor treatment. Placenta has anti-inflammatory properties, making it potentially effective against tumors.

3. Anti-allergic Effects

Generally, allergies can be categorized into two types: “immediate-type allergy,” which occurs when allergens enter the body and bind to mast cells with a component called IgE, and “delayed-type allergy,” which occurs when eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, gather at the site of the allergic reaction a few hours later and release a chemical substance called leukotriene.

Placenta extract has been known to suppress the production of IgE, thereby potentially reducing allergic reactions. Additionally, it contains an abundance of immunosuppressive substances such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, gangliosides, and chondroitin sulfate. Together with the suppression of IgE production mentioned earlier, it is expected to help mitigate allergies.

4. Tissue Repair Properties

Placenta extract contains various growth factors that can help repair damaged tissues and restore them to their normal state, potentially alleviating symptoms.

1. Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)
Not only does it promote tissue regeneration in the liver but also in most organs, facilitating the repair of pathological lesions.

2. Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
It promotes the differentiation of nerve cells and repairs damaged areas. It is considered effective in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by restoring brain nervous system functions. Moreover, it regulates the autonomic nervous system and hormonal balances, potentially stabilizing mental states and alleviating symptoms of depression and menopausal disorders.

3. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
It increases fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells, which are components of the dermis, the basis of skin structure. By boosting collagen (a component that maintains skin firmness), elastin (a component that maintains skin elasticity), and hyaluronic acid (a component that retains skin moisture), it normalizes the skin and promotes wound healing. It is also involved in nerve formation, hence expected to maintain brain functions. Furthermore, by promoting the proliferation of hair matrix cells, it is anticipated to aid in hair growth.

4. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
It promotes the proliferation and regeneration of the skin and corneal layers of the eye. Acting on the epidermal layer of the skin, it accelerates turnover and, along with the aforementioned FGF, promotes wound healing, improves spots and dullness, and stimulates collagen production within the dermis.

5. Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)
It stimulates the action of IGF-1, which regulates cell growth and DNA synthesis. By acting on chondrocytes, it is expected to relieve joint pain. It is also said to be effective for hair growth.

6. Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)
The TGF-β factor acts on epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells to promote wound healing. It also increases osteoblasts, which are crucial for bone formation, and inhibits osteoclasts, which destroy bones, thereby reducing bone resorption.

7. Colony Stimulating Factors (CSF)
By acting on the stem cells of granulocytes and macrophages, which are involved in immunity, it promotes the maturation of these cells.

8. Interleukins (IL)
These are components involved in immunity and are produced by white blood cells. Since they help maintain the action of enhancing immune strength, they are useful in immunostimulation.

5. Metabolic Activation

The cellular activation effect of placenta extract is expected to enhance metabolic activity by promoting blood circulation within the body. Since placenta extract is rich in high-quality amino acids, fats are more easily burned, and muscle fatigue is less likely to persist.

6. Immunostimulating Effect

Immunity is a defense mechanism that protects the body from bacteria and viruses, comprising natural immunity and acquired immunity. Placenta extract stabilizes NK cells involved in natural immunity and enhances the production of cytokines and antibodies involved in acquired immunity, thus expected to modulate immune strength and increase resistance.
By the action of the above items ① to ⑥, you can expect enhanced immunity, liver function support, and skin improvement.

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For Those Concerned About Your Dog or Cat’s Liver or Skin

For those worried about the skin condition of your dog, cat, or pet, those concerned about their liver, or those whose pets have already developed liver disease. Please take a look at this page and the following pages for tips on restoring vitality and appetite.

At Cordy Research Lab, we are also conducting research on the application of Cordy, which is expected to help regulate immunity, and placenta extract powder derived from domestic SPF pigs, to humans.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Examples of Placenta Improvements
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Case Reports
  • Case Studies of Improvement in Atopy and Skin Disease, Coat and Skin Condition in Dogs and Cats