Even when we say “surgery” in one word, the purposes of surgeries can vary. For example, in the case of cancer surgery, there are curative surgeries aimed at treating cancer, as well as palliative surgeries that aim to alleviate symptoms. When recommended for surgery, it is advisable to thoroughly check the risks of the surgery and the benefits it offers.

Examples of cancer improvement in dogs and cats can be found here

Classification by Purpose of Surgery

Curative Surgery

Curative surgery refers to operations performed with the expectation of completely curing the disease. The goal is to remove all tumors (complete resection), and it may include removing not only the tumor but also organs and tissues that may have spread tumor cells (e.g., lymph nodes). When referred to as complete resection, it indicates curative surgery.

Palliative Surgery

Palliative surgery refers to operations performed not to cure the disease, but to alleviate symptoms. When curative surgery is difficult, palliative surgery is performed with the aim of improving QOL (Quality of Life). It is sometimes referred to as debulking surgery.

Classification by Extent of Resection

Standard Surgery

Standard surgery refers to operations that have been commonly performed with the aim of achieving a cure.

Extended Surgery

Extended surgery involves resecting a broader area than standard surgery with the aim of completely removing the tumor. It is performed to prevent recurrence and metastasis but involves extensive resection, which places a significant burden on the body and may lead to decreased postoperative QOL (Quality of Life). It is mainly performed for advanced cancers and is often used in cases of mastocytomas.

Reduced Surgery

Reduced surgery involves resecting a smaller area than standard surgery. This type of surgery aims to preserve function, so it has less impact on other tissues and organs and places less burden on the body, but it carries a higher risk of recurrence and metastasis. It is mainly performed for early-stage cancers or small tumors.

Post-surgical Immune Recovery

Anesthesia is administered during surgery, which disrupts the body’s overall immunity, leading to decreased immunity post-surgery. Research is being conducted on whether Cordy can accelerate recovery of physical strength and immunity post-surgery. Additionally, research is also progressing on whether Placenta Extract Powder derived from SPF pigs in Japan can expedite wound healing.

Our laboratory continues to research Cordy, which is expected to have immune-modulating effects, and Placenta Extract Powder derived from SPF pigs in Japan, which is expected to protect liver function. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Examples of cancer improvement in dogs and cats can be found here
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