In the case of elderly dogs (Papillon), there are often situations where proactive treatment is not possible. We received a case report of a dog with a malignant lung tumor (lung cancer) whose appetite improved after being given Cordy. Here, we introduce this case report.

Example of Using Cordy for Lung Tumor in Dogs (Papillon with Lung Cancer)

Information provided by: Shiota Animal Hospital

【Lung Tumor】
Breed: Papillon
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years and 5 months
Cordy usage period: From April 17, 2017

Treatment Progress

On April 17, 2017, the dog was diagnosed with a suspected lung tumor in the left posterior lung lobe at another hospital and was under observation with immune-boosting injections. Seeking a second opinion, they visited our hospital.
Along with previous treatments from the other hospital, the prescription of Cordy was started.
At the follow-up on the 24th of the same month, the dog’s appetite had begun to return.

Following this, the dog’s appetite remained good, and its weight returned.

【A Note from the Laboratory】

In the case of elderly dogs and cats, treatments that place a burden on the body are often not applicable.

In this case, a malignant tumor (cancer) was found in the lung, but due to the dog’s advanced age of 15 years, treatment was considered difficult.

Even in situations where there seem to be no options with Western medical treatments, administering Cordy has allowed many pets to maintain their quality of life (QOL) and spend their remaining days peacefully.

Please consider alternative therapies and dietary adjustments instead of giving up due to old age.

Our laboratory is researching whether Cordy can adjust the immune system and its effectiveness against cancer in pets for whom surgery, chemotherapy, and steroids are difficult options.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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Case Reports of Lung Cancer, Lung Tumors, and Metastatic Lung Cancer
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