Gingival tumors, also known as epulides, account for approximately 30% of oral tumors in dogs. These benign tumors are classified into two types: fibromatous epulis and ossifying epulis. While these tumors are common in dogs, they do not metastasize due to their benign nature. We have received a case report indicating that a Miniature Dachshund with an oral gingival tumor (epulis) showed improved quality of life (QOL) after being administered Cordy. Let’s introduce this case report.

Case Study of Gingival Tumor [Epulis] (Report by Britannia)

What is an Epulis?

An epulis is a solid, smooth-colored tumor that grows in the gingival tissue, featuring the same coloration as the normal gums. The term “epulis” serves as a catch-all for various types of lumps that appear to elevate the gingiva from inside.

Epiludes are frequently seen in dogs and are said to comprise roughly 30% of oral tumors in canines.

Controlling Gingival Tumors [Epulis] with Cordy

Kutch-chan, Miniature Dachshund, 10 years and 11 months old
  • Present with a tumor on the right side of the upper gingiva for 2-3 years.
  • Experiences pain when touched.
  • Temporarily subsides with antibiotics but recurs upon discontinuation.

From May 2016, Kutch-chan has been administered Cordy and organic germanium during breakfast to help modulate the immune response and relieve pain.


As of September 8, 2016, although not completely resolved, the swelling of the tumor has decreased, and pain seems to be alleviating. Despite being nearly 11 years old, an age when vitality typically declines, Kutch-chan appears more energetic compared to before taking Cordy.

Nutritional Benefits

This dog belongs to the food manufacturer “Britannia.” Since arriving at the manufacturer’s facility, Kutch-chan has been fed Fish4 and Britannia’s dry food. After switching to a diet centered around venison, Kutch-chan’s muscle mass, which was on the decline, has begun to strengthen. The dog’s skin and coat are in such excellent condition that it’s hard to believe Kutch-chan is approaching the age of 11, often earning praise from visiting customers.

Currently, Kutch-chan’s diet primarily consists of “Venison and Organ Mix” supplemented with various “SoZai vegetable powders.” Considering the inevitable decline in immune function due to age, the owner intends to continue administering Cordy and organic germanium moving forward.

Though there are many dry and wet food options available today, only a few are truly safe for pets. Furthermore, even the safest commercial foods are not the natural diet for dogs and cats but are “instant” foods tailored for human convenience.

For the best health of your dog or cat, home-cooked meals are recommended. However, due to time constraints from work or other commitments, some owners might find home-cooking daily meals challenging.

In such cases, instead of relying entirely on “instant” foods, even adding a bit of meat, fish, or vegetables to their diet can significantly improve its nutritional value. Given that feeding is a daily task, it’s crucial not to overexert yourself.

Adapting to your daily routine, ensure that you’re providing food that is gentle on your pet’s body within your means.

At “Britannia,” they offer fresh raw minced or block meat and soup-cooked products from Hokkaido’s Shiranuka Ezo Deer, additive-free treats, and supplements like “So-Zai,” which can be sprinkled on food or used as a supplement for home-cooked meals. They also sell “RuRuKamui,” raw minced meat made from Hokkaido Otaru Salmon and Atka Mackerel.

Venison is high in protein and rich in iron, making it an excellent option for nourishment. Even dogs or cats that eat only small quantities can still get sufficient protein from venison.
You can consult with us about your pet’s diet, so if you have any questions about our products, please contact Britannia.

My beloved cat also uses the product, and since using it, the eye discharge that she had before coming to our home has cleared up. Her coat is now shiny, and she is living healthily without any diarrhea or constipation. (Of course, I give her a small amount of Cordy as well.)

Some people might have concerns about feeding raw food, thinking it’s “scary,” but in such cases, you can gradually increase the raw food ratio, starting with semi-raw. This way, you can transition smoothly without putting a strain on the pet’s body. Many pet owners who consult with us report that their pet’s tumors have shrunk, symptoms have eased, and their coats have become shinier after changing their diet.

To maximize the benefits of Cordy, revising your pet’s diet is essential. Please take this opportunity to reconsider your pet’s diet.

In our laboratory, we are conducting research to see if Cordy can modulate the immune system, maintain or improve quality of life (QOL), and potentially have an effect on cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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