We received a case report on administering Cordy to an elderly male Shih Tzu dog with peri-anal gland adenoma, which reduced the tumor by about half, making it possible to surgically remove it. We would like to introduce this case. In instances where immediate surgery is not possible upon the discovery of cancer, taking Cordy may lead to tumor shrinkage, thus allowing for surgical intervention.

Case of Cordy Administration for Peri-Anal Gland Adenoma in Dogs (Shih Tzu)

What is Peri-Anal Gland Adenoma?

Around a dog’s anal opening, there are secretory glands called peri-anal glands that mainly secrete sebum. A peri-anal gland adenoma is a condition where these secretory glands form a tumor.

If a dog licks or scratches at the lump due to discomfort, it can cause bleeding, pus formation, and even ulcers. In more severe cases, it may become difficult for the dog to defecate.

This condition commonly occurs in unneutered elderly male dogs because it is related to male hormones.

Managing Peri-Anal Gland Adenoma with Cordy

Information provided by: Shiota Animal Hospital

【Peri-Anal Gland Adenoma: Combined Use of Cordy, Probiotics, and Propolis】
Dog breed: Shih Tzu
Gender: Male
Age: 7 years and 2 months
Period of Cordy use: Since November 24, 2016


Treatment Course

On June 24, 2015, redness and bleeding around the anus were observed, and a tumor was detected on the nasal root. Antibiotics were administered, and the redness subsided upon re-examination on June 30.
The nasal root tumor was monitored, but enlargement was observed on November 15, 2016. Cytology confirmed a diagnosis of peri-anal gland adenoma.
On November 24, administration of Cordy and propolis began.

At the re-examination on March 24, 2017, the tumor had reduced to about half its size, and neutering surgery was performed on April 12.

【A Note from the Laboratory】
Since many Shih Tzus have allergic tendencies, Cordy and probiotics cultured in a low-allergen environment were used.
Peri-anal gland adenoma is a benign tumor influenced by male hormone balance (androgens), and neutering can stabilize the condition.
As the tumor grows, it can lead to decreased quality of life (QOL) by making defecation difficult. If surgical removal is not possible, preventing tumor enlargement is crucial to maintaining QOL.
We hope to inform you that there are treatments available to maintain QOL without aggressive interventions.

For Immune Support and QOL (Quality of Life) Improvement

Even if your beloved dog has peri-anal gland adenoma or malignant peri-anal gland cancer, incorporating immune support and necessary nutrients while adhering to a diet that obstructs nutrients essential for cancer growth can improve the prognosis.

Never give up; consider taking on what you, as pet owners, can do.

Our laboratory is studying whether administering Cordy can regulate immunity, maintain or improve QOL (quality of life), and have potential effects on cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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