We received a case report on a Shih Tzu dog with heart disease, seizures, and brain disorders that showed a significant improvement in energy and appetite after being given Cordy. When the body cannot handle aggressive treatment, improving the immune system with Cordy has shown to improve conditions in many cases.

Recovery of Energy and Appetite in Dogs with Heart and Brain Disorders After Taking Cordy

We received a delightful email from a pet owner who uses Cordy. With the owner’s permission, we are sharing this case report in the hope it may give hope to others facing similar conditions.

※Consultation Before Starting Cordy

Shih Tzu, 11 years old, 7.5kg, Male
  • May 10, 2016: Did not respond to calls and showed no energy since morning; experienced seizures and had weakness in limbs.
  • No diarrhea or vomiting and maintained appetite, but experienced labored breathing and seizure-like symptoms after 3-4 days.
  • At the regular veterinary clinic, diagnosed with right atrial hypertrophy and left atrial regurgitation; diagnosed with heart disease.
  • Maintained appetite but seizures worsened.
  • Blood test showed only white blood cell count doubled. No other abnormalities.
  • Suspected brain disorder, but MRI was not performed due to existing heart disease.
  • After family discussion, decided against aggressive treatment and opted to let nature take its course.

Started Cordy on May 21, 2016. Concerns about decreased physical strength and immunity were considered due to age, but since appetite was maintained, the owner monitored changes in health while adjusting diet and supplementing with Cordy.

Progress (※Individual’s Opinion)

May 21

At this point, the dog had no appetite and was unable to walk, requiring diapers. Cordy was dissolved in water and given.

May 25

No eating since the 21st, making it difficult to administer Cordy. Received subcutaneous fluid at the regular veterinary clinic.

May 26

Began to regain some energy and started eating homemade food little by little.


Began accepting Cordy mixed in food or water without any aversion.

Current Condition

Without visiting the hospital or receiving treatment, the dog’s vitality has been gradually restored. Currently, there are no issues with walking, and appetite has returned to approximately 90%, nearly at the same level as when the dog was healthy.

Starting Cordy amidst a decline in appetite and physical condition, along with the subcutaneous fluids administered by the regular vet, likely contributed to recovering the current state.


Received a photo on June 12th of the dog playing in its favorite park.

Testing can be beneficial if there are subsequent treatment options available.

While X-rays and blood tests can avoid anesthesia risks (sometimes mild sedation is used for uncooperative pets), MRI or CT scans require general anesthesia, which carries its own risks.

Furthermore, in cases like brain disorders where there is no fundamental treatment, testing might inadvertently shorten life expectancy.

It is crucial that pet owners make informed decisions regarding tests and treatments, rather than merely following veterinarians’ suggestions blindly. Sadly, most inquiries we receive via phone or email show that decisions are often made simply because “the vet said so.”
There are numerous stories where rushing to conclusions has led to desperate situations.

What the veterinarian says is not “absolute”. It is merely a “proposal,” and the pet owner has the right to decide whether to accept it or not.

Of course, some situations require urgent attention, but in most cases, there is a bit of time to ponder and consider options.
It is understandable to be flustered and unable to think clearly, but considering it is a precious life, take a moment to calm down.

Discuss with your family whether the suggested tests are truly necessary, if there are other treatment options, or if there are any alternative choices available.

We wish to help your dog live like a dog and your cat live like a cat, with treatments that are as gentle on their bodies as possible.
Since we cannot provide direct consultations, our advice will be based on phone calls and email inquiries. If you have any concerns, please feel free to consult with us.

At our research laboratory, we are studying whether administering Cordy can modulate the immune system and if it can be effective against cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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