Histiocytic sarcoma in cats is rare, but it is an extremely malignant tumor that rapidly metastasizes throughout the body and leads to death. The prognosis is very poor due to the tumor’s poor response to chemotherapy and radiation; however, we believe that by engaging in immune system enhancement efforts, it is possible to improve physical condition, maintain quality of life (QOL), and restore vigor and appetite. In fact, there have been numerous cases where immune strategies using Cordyceps have managed to control cancer in cats.

This page summarizes the causes, symptoms, treatments, and tips for improvement and potential cure for histiocytic sarcoma. Many cases of improvement are also introduced. We hope this can be a source of support and a ray of hope for everyone.

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What is Histiocytic Sarcoma?

Histiocytic sarcoma is a malignant tumor derived from interstitial dendritic cells. Although its occurrence in cats is rare, it is known for its high malignancy, causing rapid dissemination and metastasis throughout the body.

Dendritic cells play a crucial role in the immune system by presenting abnormal information to T-lymphocytes. Therefore, when these cells become tumorous, it results in immune system abnormalities.

The occurrence of histiocytic sarcoma in specific regions of cats is rare, and there are almost no reports on differences in incidence by breed, common sites, or gender differences.

In cats, multifocal and disseminated patterns are observed.

Causes of Histiocytic Sarcoma in Cats

The exact cause of its occurrence is not clearly understood.
It is a disease caused by immune abnormalities.

Symptoms of Histiocytic Sarcoma in Cats

Since it mainly infiltrates multiple organs, it presents clinical symptoms depending on the site of occurrence (for example, vomiting or diarrhea if it affects the gastrointestinal tract).

Treatment of Histiocytic Sarcoma in Cats

Due to the scarcity of reports on histiocytic sarcoma in cats, there are no established treatments.
Although chemotherapy might be used, it is generally not expected to be effective.

In the case of radiation therapy, the risks associated with anesthesia must also be considered.
If you decide to undergo radiation or chemotherapy, taking measures to address side effects using Cordy for immune support and placenta extract from domestically-sourced SPF pigs for liver and kidney care may improve your quality of life (QOL).

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Prevention of Histiocytic Sarcoma

While there is no clear prevention method, tumors can be considered a form of chronic inflammation that arises when cells are damaged. Prevention measures may include avoiding the intake of harmful substances and preventing obesity.

Improving Prognosis for Cats with Histiocytic Sarcoma

There is no established treatment for histiocytic sarcoma in cats, and it is sometimes said that nothing can be done. However, it is not uncommon for stabilizing the immune system to help alleviate symptoms and inhibit the progression of the tumor.

Cordy, which is expected to have immune-regulating functions, could potentially help control tumor growth and prevent recurrence. Even if the histiocytic sarcoma cannot be completely cured, maintaining vitality and appetite and slowing the tumor’s progression can allow you to enjoy more quality time with your pet.

Cordy, known for its high safety, can also be used confidently for prevention purposes. There are no concerns about side effects like with pharmaceuticals. Preventing cancer, not just histiocytic sarcoma, is considered the best approach.

Our laboratory is conducting research to determine whether administrating Cordy can modulate the immune system and have beneficial effects on cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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