Basal cell carcinoma is said to be the most common type of tumor found on the skin of cats. Besides the formation of a tumor on the surface of the skin, there are no noticeable symptoms. If the tumor is benign, it rarely metastasizes. However, there are rare cases where basal cell carcinoma can progress to malignant basal cell cancer. It is believed that with immune system interventions, it is possible to improve the cat’s condition, maintain their quality of life (QOL), and restore their vitality and appetite. In fact, there are many cases where controlling cancer in cats has been achieved through immune strategies using Cordy.

This page summarizes the causes, symptoms, treatment methods, and tips for improvement and curing of basal cell carcinoma. We also introduce numerous examples of improvement. We hope to be a source of support and a ray of hope for everyone.

Contents of this article

Examples of cancer improvement in cats

What is basal cell carcinoma in cats?

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that forms in the lowest layer of the skin surface, called the basal layer. It is the most common skin tumor in cats, accounting for about 30% of all skin tumors.

Most of these tumors are benign, so metastasis is rare, but malignant occurrences (referred to as basal cell cancer when malignant) are a possibility and require attention.

Causes of basal cell carcinoma in cats

The exact cause of this disease is still unknown, but it is believed to be due to genetic mutations. It is said to commonly occur in middle-aged to older cats. Additionally, UV radiation is also considered a cause, and it is particularly common in cats with white fur.

Symptoms of basal cell carcinoma in cats

It manifests as hard lumps similar to warts on the skin. The affected area may also show hair loss. These tumors tend to occur on the head, neck, and trunk.

As previously mentioned, the likelihood of malignancy is low, but there are cases where it can transition from benign to malignant (basal cell cancer).
If left untreated, the tumor may expand or infiltrate deeper.

In benign cases, pigmentation can be observed, but no pigmentation is seen in malignant cases.

Treatment for Basal Cell Carcinoma in Cats


Basal cell carcinoma, compared to other skin tumors, has a lower risk and is less likely to metastasize, but because there is a rare chance it can become malignant, it is advisable to surgically remove it once detected.
However, if surgery is challenging due to your cat’s age or health condition, monitoring the situation carefully is recommended.

Prevention of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Cats

Since it is a skin tumor, it is important to pay attention to the amount of ultraviolet light exposure.
Additionally, for early detection, regularly engage in physical contact and brushing to frequently check the skin’s condition.

Even if you find “lumps” or “bumps,” most of them are benign and not cancerous.
There is no need to worry excessively, but having your pet checked at an animal hospital can provide peace of mind.

If you find any abnormalities on your cat’s skin, it is advisable to visit an animal hospital as soon as possible.

Enhancing Prognosis for Your Cat with Basal Cell Carcinoma Through Immunity

The primary treatment for basal cell carcinoma is surgical removal of the tumor; however, this might not be feasible due to your cat’s age or health condition.
Anesthesia is required during surgery, which can disrupt immune function.

To counter the immune suppression caused by anesthesia during surgery and to manage immunity during basal cell carcinoma treatment, consider giving Cordy to help inhibit tumor growth and prevent recurrence.
Cordy is not associated with the side effects typical of pharmaceuticals. Preventing cancer through such measures is considered the best approach.

Boosting immunity is crucial whether or not surgery is performed for a cat with basal cell carcinoma.

Our lab continues to research how administering Cordy during periods of reduced immunity can accelerate immune recovery.

While we cannot guarantee the extent of response or improvement, there is a good chance your cat will regain appetite and vitality.

When using medications like chemotherapy, steroids, or antibiotics, liver function deterioration is a concern.
In such cases, concurrently using domestic SPF pork-derived placental extract may help minimize liver damage.

Even cats with already compromised liver function have shown improvements in liver health within about a month of taking the domestic SPF pork-derived placental extract.

Furthermore, since inflammation is often present, it might also be beneficial to provide EPA/DHA Krill Oil extracted from Antarctic krill for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Our lab continues to study Cordy’s potential for immune modulation, the liver-protective effects of the domestic SPF pork-derived placental extract, and the anti-inflammatory properties of krill oil. If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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