We are reporting a case from a veterinarian where a lymphoma or mast cell tumor in a cat’s spleen disappeared in just 50 days after being given Cordy.

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Functions of the Spleen and Malignant Tumors Developing in the Spleen

Many people might not be aware of the functions of the spleen. The spleen is an organ deeply involved in blood and immunity, and its main functions are as follows:

  1. Immune regulation: The spleen is an organ that manages immunity, containing a lot of lymphatic tissue to regulate immune responses.
  2. Blood regeneration: It destroys old or deformed blood cells and converts them into materials for new blood.
  3. Blood storage: The spleen has the ability to store blood and releases stored blood in the event of bleeding to increase blood circulation volume.
  4. Hematopoiesis: While hematopoiesis mainly occurs in the bone marrow, the spleen can perform hematopoiesis when the bone marrow is unable to do so effectively.

Most lumps that develop in the spleen are tumor lesions, many of which are malignant, and hemangiosarcoma frequently occurs. Other malignancies such as malignant lymphoma and undifferentiated sarcoma can also develop.

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Case of Splenic Tumor (Lymphoma or Mast Cell Tumor) Shrinking in a Cat (Ultrasound Images)

This is a case where a cat (23 years old) with an enlarged spleen showed reduction. Lymphoma or mast cell tumor is suspected.

Upon the veterinarian’s palpation, there was a lump on the spleen, but currently, it is not palpable, and the surface of the spleen is smooth (Veterinarian’s comment).

Since the cat was 23 years old and any treatment that could burden its body was deemed difficult, we chose to improve the immune system using Cordy.

In a short period of about 50 days after administering Cordy, the tumor in the spleen became non-palpable, and we could feel the effect of Cordy.

Images provided by Tsutsujigaoka Animal Hospital

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Before Cordy Usage (September 29, 2013)


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After Cordy Usage (November 16, 2013)

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Adding Immune Measures to Cancer Treatment

At the Cordy Laboratory, we are conducting research based on the idea that adding Cordy to cancer treatments in animal hospitals as an immune measure may improve outcomes. As in this case, the tumor may become non-palpable within a short period, but even if the tumor does not disappear, we have received many reports indicating that vigor and appetite are restored, and quality of life (QOL) improves.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Lymphoma Case Reports
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