We received a report from Shiota Animal Hospital about a case where spraying Cordy cultured in liquid form improved the immune system of a cat with end-stage mammary tumors. We would like to share this case with you.
Liquid-cultured Cordy can be sprayed onto self-dissolving tumors and given via syringe during force-feeding. It also has high palatability, and most cats accept it without resistance.

Case of Using Cordy on Mammary Tumors (Breast Cancer) in Cats

Information provided by: Shiota Animal Hospital

[Mammary Tumor: Spraying Liquid-Cultured Cordy, Combined with Beta Shark]
Species: Cat
Gender: Female
Age: 7 years
Cordy use period: September 2, 2016, to November 2, 2016

Treatment Progress

On June 13, 2016, a lump was found in the abdomen, and injections of Depo-Medrol and Predonine were started. Regular injections continued thereafter.
On August 2, despite no changes in the abdominal mass, appetite decreased, and a new mass developed in the neck, prompting the start of Beta Shark administration.

On August 23, an attempt was made to administer Cordy orally, but the cat resisted, so on September 2, the treatment was switched to spraying liquid-cultured Cordy directly onto the affected area.

As the immune system improved, pain was alleviated, and appetite returned.

The cat passed away peacefully on November 2.

[Our Comment]
Mammary tumors in cats have a high malignancy rate, and it’s not uncommon for them to recur shortly after surgical removal. Repeated surgeries can progressively lower immunity due to the effects of anesthesia, leading to higher recurrence rates. Whether or not surgery is performed, it is crucial to quickly restore the immune regulatory ability.

In this case, using liquid-cultured Cordy as a topical treatment relieved pain, which likely led to stress reduction and consequent improvement in immunity.

Our laboratory is researching whether administering Cordy can modulate the immune system, maintain or improve quality of life (QOL), and be effective against cancer. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Mammary Tumor Case Report
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