FeLV (Feline Leukemia) and FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) can be devastating diagnoses, but do not lose hope. These are urgent conditions, but by implementing immune support with Cordy, alongside measures to reduce inflammation and review diet and supplement necessary nutrients to maintain strength, there are numerous cases where the condition can be managed and there is improvement in energy and appetite.

Examples of Cordy Use for FeLV and FIP

Cordy usage in FeLV and FIP
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) spreads among cats through fighting, mating, and grooming. It can easily infect multiple cats in a household, leading to cases where all the cats are infected.

It is known to cause diseases such as lymphoma, which has a high mortality rate when occurring in young cats, making the primary goal of treatment to prolong life as much as possible.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) occurs when the feline coronavirus mutates into the highly pathogenic Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus (FIPV). For further details, please refer to “Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) – Coronavirus infection, symptoms, and tips for improvement and cure.”

Feline coronavirus spreads through saliva and feces, making it highly contagious. It is said that half the cats in Japan (some estimates claim over 70%) are infected. The chance of coronavirus mutating into FIPV increases when a cat’s immune system is compromised.

FIP is classified into two types: the wet form, characterized by fluid accumulation in the abdomen or chest, and the dry form, which causes granuloma formation and neurological symptoms.

We have received a report of a cat suffering from both FeLV and FIP experiencing stabilized health after using Cordy, which we are sharing here.

Information provided by: Nagai Animal Hospital


FeLV, FIP: Cordy and Steroid Combination Therapy

Gender: Spayed Female
Age: 10 years
Weight: ~4 kg


June 15, 2018
Decrease in appetite and loss of energy observed.
Still active enough to go outdoors.

Examination Details

General blood test showed jaundice.
FeLV positive, FIV negative on virus test.

FeLV infection, suspected FIP

Treatment Details

Vibramycin (Doxycycline) 25mg/BID (twice daily)
Biofermin R 1/2 tablet/BID (twice daily)
Prednisolone 5mg/SID (once daily)
Cordy and Organic Germanium 2g/day (0.4g per kg body weight)

Administered the above for 14 days.
Thereafter, only prednisolone and Cordy continued at the same dosage.


From initial presentation on June 15, 2018, until now (November 12, 2018), energy and appetite have been stable.

Cordy and Steroid Combination Therapy

Cordy: 1-2g/BID (twice daily) for up to 4 kg body weight
Prednisolone: 2mg/kg/SID (once daily) or 1mg/kg/BID (twice daily)
Biofermin R

【Note from the Laboratory】
In Western medicine, FeLV, FIP, and FIV (Feline AIDS) have no cures and are typically managed with symptomatic treatment. However, incorporating alternative therapies can often lead to symptom relief and remission.

The onset of viral diseases is primarily due to a decline in immunity. Therefore, when dealing with viruses like FeLV, FIV, and feline coronavirus, it is essential to maintain stable immunity to prevent the viruses from causing illness.

Immune Support with Cordy for FIP, FeLV, and FIV

FIP is an extremely rapidly progressing and highly fatal disease. FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) and FIV (Feline AIDS) are also troublesome conditions. However, by using Cordy to regulate the immune system, supporting liver health with domestically produced SPF pig-derived placenta extract, managing inflammation with krill oil extracted from Antarctic krill (EPA/DHA), and providing low-protein diets such as green tripe (ruminant stomach) and amino acid supplements containing BCAAs, many cases have shown improved prognoses.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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Cases of FIP, FeLV, and Feline AIDS
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