Case reports on improved health conditions in dogs and cats after administering Cordy.

Examples of Positive Responses in Dogs and Cats after Administering Cordy

Here are some cases where positive responses were observed after using Cordy. These are published with the consent of the pet owners.
(Note: These are individual testimonials.)

In addition to the cases introduced on this page, we will continue to publish more cases with the consent of the pet owners.

Please check the latest improvement case reports here for more updates.


Brain Tumor (Astrocytoma) – Miniature Dachshund, 14 years old

May 2012: MRI detected a brain tumor. Diagnosed with astrocytoma. Started on Lomustine (chemotherapy drug) along with Prednisolone (steroid) and Furosemide (diuretic).

The dog experienced paralysis and impaired vision, but these symptoms slightly improved with medication. However, as Lomustine alone was not expected to cure the tumor, Cordy was added to the treatment.
July 2012: Continued Cordy due to good health.
August 2012: MRI showed the brain tumor had disappeared.
September 2012: Good health condition. The interval of Lomustine administration was reduced from once every 3 weeks to once every 5 weeks without issues. Continued Cordy.

Bladder Cancer – Bichon Frisé, 11 years old

March 2012: Recurrence of transitional cell carcinoma in the bladder. Had surgery two years ago. Currently taking Piroxicam (anti-inflammatory agent effective against bladder cancer).
April 2012: Started Cordy.
September 2012: Cancer was no longer visible in ultrasound examination.


The following three cases were reported by a pet owner with multiple pets.

Although these are not tumor diseases, they are conditions with a high risk of occurrence in cats.
Combining antibiotics, steroids, and Cordy with organic germanium, all three cats showed improved health, maintained appetite, and had better fur condition.

Cat Hemoplasma, Kidney Failure – Female Cat, estimated 5-6 years old

Also suffering from chronic kidney failure, with high creatinine (Cre) levels.
Weight had decreased to 1.3 kg, but after starting Cordy and organic germanium, the weight recovered to 1.5 kg within a week.
Maintained appetite, which is remarkable.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – Male Cat, 15 years old

Diarrhea, a symptom of IBD, stopped three days after starting Cordy and organic germanium.

Stomatitis – Male Cat, 8 years old

Pain was managed with oral medication.
Previously, pain would recur once the medication ran out, but after starting Cordy and organic germanium, pain did not return even when the medication was missed.

A.H. Malignant Mammary Tumor – Mixed Dog (Kai Ken Mix), estimated 15 years old

February 16, 2016: Began showing decreased energy and appetite. Started Cordy on February 18.
By March 15, the tumor had shrunk, and appetite was back to normal.

N.M. Malignant Mammary Tumor – Mixed Cat (resembles Birman), 3.5 kg, estimated 13-14 years old

Tumor was surgically removed in September 2015, started Cordy in mid-October.
By late July 2016, no signs of recurrence, Cordy dosage was 0.5 g per day.
As of late October 2016, one year post-surgery, still no recurrence, progressing well.

T.D. Oral Tumor – Mixed Cat, 3.5 kg, 17 years old

Developed an oral tumor in November 2015, which had doubled in size by early June 2016. Due to age, aggressive treatment was not pursued.
Started Cordy and organic germanium in June 2016. Post-administration, oral stickiness improved, general condition stabilized. The tumor, initially soft and mushy, appeared to firm up.
As of late July 2016, the tumor had reduced to the size it was at the initial detection.

Recommend Cordy for Immune Support

We have received numerous reports of improved quality of life (QOL) in pets after administering Cordy.
It is essential to conduct immune support before, during, and after cancer treatment.

Our laboratory is researching whether administration of Cordy can adjust immunity and have effects on cancer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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