We received a case report from Shiota Animal Hospital about a 17-year-old mixed-breed dog with a mammary tumor that regained energy and appetite after being given Cordy, allowing her to have a peaceful end. We would like to introduce this case.

Example of Using Cordy for a Dog with Mammary Tumor

Information provided by: Shiota Animal Hospital

[Mammary Tumor: Combination of Cordy and Antibiotics]
Breed: Mixed-breed dog
Gender: Female
Age: 17 years
Cordy usage period: From August 31, 2016, to December 25, 2016

A lump was found in the lower abdomen on November 16, 2015, and the tumor was removed on December 12. The tumor recurred on May 2, 2016, and treatment with Rarixin began. The tumor showed signs of shrinkage on June 1, but induration appeared, so Rarixin treatment continued, and Cordy administration began on August 31. Tumor shrinkage was confirmed on October 19, but the tumor ulcerated on November 30. The dog passed away peacefully on December 25.

[Comments from the Veterinarian and the Owner]
Although a decrease in appetite was observed, the dog was able to eat until three days before passing away. We believe we were able to help her have a peaceful end without suffering.

[A Word from Us]
Despite being at an advanced age of 17 years, this case shows a good example of “coexistence” with the tumor. Even when there seem to be no options due to old age or the case appears hopeless, immune system support through Cordy, dietary adjustments, and other measures can allow pets to spend their last days peacefully. By focusing not on aggressive treatments but on palliative care, new avenues for treatment may emerge.

Spending Peaceful Days with Immune Support

For elderly pets, it is often preferable to focus on immune support with Cordy, dietary improvements, necessary nutritional supplements, or environmental adjustments rather than surgeries or chemotherapy that can heavily affect their bodies. Even if the cancer is not cured, there are many cases where pets can lead peaceful days.

In our laboratory, we are conducting research with the cooperation of veterinarians to investigate whether administering Cordy can support immune modulation, maintain or improve quality of life (QOL), and have promising effects on cancer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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Case Report of Mammary Tumor
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