We would like to inform you about a case report where we controlled the quality of life using Cordy after surgery for anal gland adenocarcinoma with lymph node metastasis.

Case of Using Cordy for a Dog with Anal Gland Adenocarcinoma

Dog (Border Collie Mix) 10 years old, 14kg
  • 2016.02: Surgically removed a large tumor around the anus and several small tumors, including a 4cm tumor in the lymph node under the hip bone. The dog was active after surgery.
  • Currently considering chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy.
  • Currently taking liquid supplements such as Euglena, Draji, Noni juice, and β-D glucan.
  • Began metronomic therapy after surgery.

We have been consulted for treatment advice.

Advice from the Laboratory

– Considering post-surgery stress and age, there is a possibility of reduced immunity. Chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, and radiotherapy may have strong side effects, so they are not recommended.

However, immunotherapy has a lighter burden on the body compared to the aforementioned three treatments, so it may be worth considering.
– Regarding supplements, Euglena and Draji can be used together.
– As for Noni juice, it is also sold for animal use, so there should be no problem.

However, there have been cases in humans where diarrhea (due to anthraquinones in Noni) and liver damage occurred. Because Noni is high in potassium, there is a concern that it may burden the kidneys over time.

(That said, these are reports in humans, and it is uncertain to what extent side effects occur in animals, but pet-specific Noni juice is also available, so it should be fine as long as it is not overused.)

– Polysaccharides such as β-glucans and D-fraction (found in mushroom-based supplements) stimulate immune cells and enhance immunity, but prolonged use of the same mushroom preparations can gradually reduce their effectiveness (immune cells become accustomed to the supplement stimuli, reducing effectiveness). This can lead to a decrease in self-produced immunity, and lymphocytes may oxidize, rendering them unable to produce immune components (this is known as the immune exhaustion phenomenon). Therefore, concurrent use is not recommended.

– For diet, reduce carbohydrates as much as possible since cancer cells use them as a nutrient source. Instead, switch to a low-carb, high-protein diet to build muscle and increase metabolism, aiming to strengthen the body’s foundation.

– Given the post-surgery state, age, and cold stress, reduced immunity is occurring.

Restoring immunity to normal levels early on is crucial for future treatment outcomes. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the diet, using Cordy to restore normal immunity and enhance natural healing power would be beneficial.

Current Condition

There are no problems with vigor or appetite.

The diet consists of strictly eliminating carbohydrates and feeding a homemade soup with plenty of vegetables, mushrooms, and meat mixed with Wysong’s carbohydrate-free dog food.

The current treatment consists of immunotherapy and Vaxxo, and supplements include Cordy, Euglena, Draji, and coconut oil.

Tests in late March revealed a lump about 1cm near the lymph nodes in the hip area, but subsequent examinations have shown it has reduced to almost undetectable levels.
Due to the combination of various treatments and supplements, it is not the sole effect of Cordy, but the synergistic effect of each product that likely contributes to the current stabilization of the condition.

We received a photo showing a joyful walk.

Elvis 5

This is the condition of the rear before surgery.

Elvis 3

We heard that he enjoys running around in the snowy fields with his housemate dog.

Elvis 2

Running youthfully as if he’s not 10 years old!

He has been enduring surgeries and other treatments well, and now he is used to hospital visits.

September 2016

We received a report from the owner: “In early September, it was two months since the lymphocyte transplant, and the next one is scheduled for November. His condition is stable, and he is running around energetically.”


There were recurrences in the lumbar region and several other lymph nodes. Due to the difficulty of surgery in those locations, re-surgery was not performed, and he started taking the molecular targeted drug, Palladia.

However, he is energetic, has a good appetite, and his coat condition is excellent. We have added organic germanium to Cordy and will monitor his condition.

January to April 2017

He has no issues with energy and appetite. From January, we added Maruyama vaccine and Sanchi (Red Bean Cedar) supplement to his treatment. As of April 10, he maintains his vitality and enjoys playing with his housemate dog.

Elvis and Soba

Playing tag

Snow Elbin 1

※Case studies are published with the consent of the pet owners.

※We are unable to answer questions regarding the supplements and dry foods mentioned above.
Please direct your inquiries to the respective manufacturers.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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