We would like to introduce a case report from a veterinarian regarding a senior Beagle dog with oral melanoma that has been long-term controlled without the use of chemotherapy, using a product called Cordy.

Handling Oral Melanoma in Dogs and Cats

What is Oral Melanoma in Dogs and Cats?

Oral melanoma in dogs and cats is a highly malignant tumor characterized by high recurrence rates even after surgical removal. Since chemotherapy has limited efficacy, the prognosis is generally poor.

However, if the immune cells can function properly, it is expected that the growth of the tumor can be inhibited.

In this case, we received a report that a Beagle dog with oral melanoma has been controlling the condition over a long period by using Cordy. We would like to share this case report.

Details on Dog Melanoma are explained here. Please check it out as well.

Controlling Melanoma with Cordy

Information provided by: Pet House Kizuna Animal Hospital
3-1-8 Hannancho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture

【Oral Melanoma: Surgical Removal and Use of Cordy】
Breed: Beagle
Gender: Neutered Male
Age: Born May 7, 2001 (16 years old as of July 2017)
Cordy Usage Period: Since Summer 2015

Treatment Progress

On April 6, 2015, a 5×4×3 mm mass was discovered on the right lower lip and was surgically removed on the 15th of the same month. Pathology confirmed it to be malignant melanoma.
From around summer, Cordy (0.4g/kg/day) usage was started, along with Antinol, and the dog’s diet included Gastrointestinal Assist.
On May 12, 2016, a mass reappeared in the same area, and multiple masses were removed simultaneously. The histopathological diagnosis for the lip lesion was again malignant melanoma.
On October 21, a 3mm black spot was found in the same area. It was monitored with Cordy only, without further surgery (Photo ①).

【Photo ①】
Photo ①

On June 9, 2017, the mass reappeared in the same area and was surgically removed. Pathology confirmed it to be malignant melanoma again. Despite not administering aggressive treatments like chemotherapy, the condition has been managed solely with Cordy (Photo ②).

【Photo ②】
Before surgery
Photo ② (2)

After surgery
Photo ② After Surgery

Due to the dog’s advanced age and the fact that melanoma is highly resistant to chemotherapy, the Beagle dog has been treated with Cordy without the use of chemotherapy. This has allowed long-term control of the condition, much to the delight of the owner.

【A Word from the Research Lab】
### Oral Melanoma in Dogs

**Oral melanoma in dogs** is an extremely aggressive and rapidly progressing cancer. Many animal hospitals may give up on treatment, but in the case of this dog, despite its advanced age, it has successfully undergone two surgeries.

Post-surgery, there are concerns about a decrease in immunity, so it’s crucial to restore immune function as soon as possible and suppress any remaining tumor cells in the body. By increasing the dosage of Cordy before and after surgery, faster recovery than usual can be expected.

At our research laboratory, we are investigating whether the administration of Cordy can modulate the immune system and have therapeutic effects against cancer. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Melanoma Case Reports