Case Study of Using Cordy on a Horse

Nakada Animal Hospital is an animal hospital located at 7513 Motoishikawa, Aoba Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, equipped with a CT scanner.

Nakada Animal Hospital also has an affiliated facility called “Nakada Horse Clinic,” where they provide a wide range of services for racehorses, riding horses, ponies, and miniature horses as companion animals.

Recently, the director of Nakada Animal Hospital, Dr. Masatoshi Nakada, used Cordy on his beloved horse “Hikaru” and shared the following report. We present it here as received.

A Case Study of a Beloved Horse

Dr. Masatoshi Nakada, Director, Nakada Animal Hospital

—- Miraculous Recovery with Cordy and a Body Electric Potential Balancing Spray —-

Target Horse Name: Hikaru

Breed: Thoroughbred

Date of Birth: April 5, H.5 (Gelding)

September 2017: Mild lameness observed in the left hind limb.
October: Progresses slightly.
November: Severe lameness (laminitis).
Noticed left lateral neck curvature.
Gait showed left-sided paralysis.
Left displacement in the lumbar region was observed.
Started rotating counterclockwise in the stable to maintain balance.

Over time, the horse continuously pressed its right head, neck, shoulder, and flank against the stable wall while eating to maintain balance.
Would collapse when making a stop.

Continuing internal medicine and symptomatic treatments:
Physical therapy, ultra-shortwave treatment, Sparizer, acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and equine chiropractor treatments showed no effect. On February 1st, received Cordy and a body electric potential balancing spray from Cordy Research Lab, resulting in a dramatic recovery.

December 1st: Left hind limb laminitis outbreak ⇒ treatment.
5th: Installed a hoisting belt to reduce the burden on the left hind limb and to assist when the horse could not stand up.
Gradual symptom progression.
Continued treatment throughout January.

February 1st: Began taking Cordy.
7th: Some improvement observed?
14th: Began combined use of Cordy and a body electric potential balancing spray being developed by Monolith Co.
20th: Improvement observed.
28th: Dramatic improvement noted.

March 1st: Can move to the paddock while rotating.
Able to graze while maintaining balance through left flexion.
Able to move forward with a lead from the right side.
5th: Rotation radius enlarges and appears to straighten out.
10th: Although left lateral lumbar displacement is still noticed, can walk straight with guidance.
15th: Shows normal walking gait.
18th: Participates in an event (Horse Interaction Meeting).

April 15th: Participates in “Horse Fure” and in an outdoor riding session. See photos.
Up to the present.

*”Horse Fure”: A meeting event organized for disabled horseback riding.

While the causes of left lateral neck curvature, gait with left-sided paralysis, and left lumbar displacement are entirely unknown, it seems reasonable to conclude that these symptoms’ continuation led to laminitis.
Under the management and care of our hospital, there appeared to be no specific issues with the environment or feeding (food).

After a few days of starting with Cordy, we saw changes the day after using the “aqueous solution” spray currently under research and development by the same company. This “aqueous solution” is considered to have a weak electric discharge excitation effect that sets the necessary potential for the body (-60mv).

One week after beginning treatment with Cordy and the developing “aqueous solution,” apparent changes were seen.
Looking back over this week, it was a time of daily remarkable changes.

This daily period caused continuous wonder of “Why this?! Why that?!”

Moreover, being able to move around the paddock, even in an irregular manner, seemed to greatly boost the horse’s confidence.
Afterward, within two weeks, significant changes took place, leading to recovery.

When going outside the stable, the horse appeared to be in a “merry” mood.
Energy improved, and appetite increased.

As for the laminitis, weekly shoeing therapy since the outbreak minimized worsening of the condition.
The fact that the horse could walk and move about, fundamental for grazing animals, greatly enhanced its confidence.

Currently, Cordy and the spray treatment remain ongoing.

Our research lab is exploring whether administering Cordy can modulate immunity and whether it can be effective against cancer.
We are also investigating the electric potential within living organisms.

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