Pet Information

Name: Ren-kun
Breed: Miniature Dachshund
Gender: Neutered Male
Weight at First Visit: 7.35 kg
Date of Birth: March 1, 2007
Medical Condition: Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder

Progress and Current Condition

January 24, 2019

A tumor was discovered between the lower bladder and the prostate at another clinic, with suspicion of transitional cell carcinoma. No issues with urination and has a good appetite. Reportedly taking herbal medicine for pets. Prescribed Cordy and NMN at our clinic.
Dosage: 0.4g/kg/day

February 2

Bladder imaging showed no change in tumor size. Appetite remains stable.

February 23

Weight: 7.1 kg
Bladder imaging was conducted again, with no change in tumor size. Appetite remains good.

March 28

Remaining energetic with a good appetite.


No change in tumor size.

In our research lab, we are conducting studies to determine whether the synergistic effects of Cordy and NMN (β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) can help modulate the immune system and affect cancer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.