Pet Information

Name: Ariel-chan
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Gender: ♀ (Not spayed)
Weight: 5.6 kg (as of June 2019)
Date of Birth: April 23, 2004
Condition: Lymphoma

Condition and Current Status


At that time, 10 years old.
A fist-sized tumor was discovered in the neck area, and the attending animal hospital predicted a one-month life expectancy.
While searching for other treatments, we came across Cordy and began combining it with the medication prescribed by the hospital.

After using Cordy for a month, pus was discharged from the tumor, resulting in a complete cure.
It turned out to be benign, much to the surprise of the attending veterinarian.

Even after recovery, Cordy is administered daily with morning and evening meals, approximately a three-quarter spoonful.
When Ariel’s condition is not good, one full spoonful (about 1g) is given, and it seems to help maintain her health.


Due to periodontal disease, all teeth except one were extracted in surgery.


Started using heart disease medication.
However, considering her age, the symptoms were mild, and the medication dosage was small.

Note: Cavaliers are known to be prone to heart disease, with data indicating that 60% of individuals develop heart conditions by the age of 4.
Owners of Cavaliers are advised to have regular heart check-ups.


Age: 15 years old.
While there is noticeable weakening in the hind legs, walks are still twice a day.
She seems more lively during walks, her coat is in good condition, and people are often surprised to hear her age.

Diet and Supplements


Orijen Tundra, given three times a day.
As sudden weight changes can be stressful for dogs with heart disease, it is noted that she is generally not given treats.

* According to a large-scale survey conducted by the University of California, Davis, it has come to light that some dogs suffering from DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy) due to taurine deficiency were being fed foods from the Orijen brand.

This seems to be more prevalent among large dogs, especially Golden Retrievers, who are fed grain-free foods that are high in peas. However, it’s also important to note that large dogs are generally more prone to taurine deficiency.
The investigation is still ongoing, but the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) has also become involved in the inquiry (, so it might be best to be cautious when selecting food.

At this stage, some points that have become clear include:

– Blue Buffalo
– Natural Balance
– Purina Pro Plan
– Solid Gold
– Wellness
– Fromm
– Honest Kitchen
– Kirkland Nature’s Domain
– Now

These brands have been noted to show taurine deficiency.


【Otaka Enzyme】
Started administration three years ago. Administered 10 ml with meals.

【New Biofermin S (for humans)】
Recently started additional administration due to the occurrence of soft stools.

A Word from Our Company

Even though it was a benign lymphoma, the recovery from a tumor the size of a fist in the throat is truly remarkable. The Cordyceps (Cordy) matched the body’s constitution, allowing the immune system to stabilize smoothly, not only overcoming the tumor but also enabling a healthy daily life now. Additionally, providing a diet that is properly “high-protein” has prevented muscle atrophy, further increasing vitality through the enjoyment of walks.

The four-year-old cat (Maria-chan) living in the same household has been given Cordyceps since she was a kitten, which can help prevent common viral diseases in cats.

The average lifespan of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is said to be 9-15 years, but I believe Ariel-chan will continue to live healthily and peacefully for many more years (hopefully aiming for 20 years!!). For the care of senior pets, please consider incorporating supplements and reviewing their diet.

At our laboratory, we are researching whether administering Cordyceps can modulate immunity and have potential anti-cancer effects.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

Lymphoma Case Report
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