Pet Information

Name: Mame-chan
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: 10 years old (at the first consultation)
Weight: 3 kg
Condition: Oral Melanoma


Consultation Details and Progress

April 13, 2018

Due to a different than usual odor from the mouth, visited the regular veterinary hospital.
Observed some suspicious lesions and conducted a biopsy and palliative surgery on the 15th, which was submitted for pathological examination.
On the 20th, diagnosed with melanoma and given a prognosis of 4 months. Reached out to our company in hopes of finding potential treatments.
The photo shows Mame-chan a week before the melanoma diagnosis.
A case of controlling melanoma with alternative therapies


April 23

Started taking Cordycep supplement.


April 26

Referred by the regular vet to Yamaguchi University on the 26th, with no metastasis found at this stage.


May 11

Started weekly radiation therapy.
After the first radiation treatment, noted a decrease in energy and appetite as a side effect.


May 18

In addition to weekly radiation therapy, started monthly chemotherapy.
Noticed mild vomiting after the treatment, which subsided in about 2-3 days.


End of May

Started treatment at Omnia Natural Therapy Clinic (includes acupuncture, massage, dog scan, etc.).
The image shows Mame-chan receiving a massage from the doctor.
Acupuncture, massage, and dog scan in progress


June 22

Second chemotherapy.
Experienced a 10-day loss of appetite and fever (above 40°C) as side effects.
Due to consistent use of Cordycep supplement, traditional Chinese medicine, and daily subcutaneous fluids, Mame-chan’s appetite gradually recovered from mid-July. Given the severe side effects from chemotherapy, further chemotherapy was discontinued, and homemade meals were started around this time.

The image shows Mame-chan with a heat therapy device used at home.
Using the Shao's Heat Therapy DeviceShao’s Heat Therapy Device (Shaoshi Onkyuki) is a type of moxibustion tool that is less likely to get hot and produces less smoke than traditional moxa sticks, making it easy to use at home.



CT scan at Yamaguchi University; no signs of metastasis.


October to November

Started incorporating medicinal cuisine into homemade meals.



Upon check-up at Yamaguchi University, observed recurrence in the mouth area. Conducted three rounds of radiation therapy in December.
No side effects; energy and appetite stable. Noticed improvement in hair loss caused by previous radiation and chemotherapy between November and December.

Post-radiation therapy condition (1)
Here is the translation of the text you provided:

The condition after receiving radiation therapy (Part 2)
The photo was taken when hair loss had occurred. Due to the effects of radiation, redness and hair loss can be seen on the neck.


February 14, 2019

A check-up at Yamaguchi University showed no metastasis, and it was diagnosed as the best condition so far in the course of the illness. The pet is more energetic than before the illness, and even the owners who bring them for consultation are amazed at how energetically they run around, to the point where they wonder where the illness is.


On February 19, we were able to celebrate the 11th birthday.
Undergoing acupuncture and dog scan treatment (Part 1)

Undergoing acupuncture and dog scan treatment (Part 2)

The photos were taken on the 11th birthday, during a home visit for acupuncture and dog scan treatment.


Along with the 11th birthday cake.
11th birthday celebration

Current treatments

– Cordyceps
– Organic Germanium
– Acupuncture, moxibustion, massage
– Dog scan
– Chinese medicine (kampo)
– Medicinal cuisine

A Word from Us

Oral melanoma in dogs is a very aggressive and rapidly progressing cancer, and it is not uncommon for it to be deemed beyond treatment at veterinary hospitals. In Mame-chan’s case, strong side effects emerged from aggressive treatments, prompting a switch to alternative therapies, including traditional Chinese medicine, and home care. As a result, it seems that a fundamental recovery in her health was achieved, allowing her to continue living calmly.

Currently, through the use of alternative therapies and supplements, many pets are able to spend the remainder of their lives peacefully. Even if aggressive cancer treatments like chemotherapy are pursued, the use of Cordyceps can be expected to reduce side effects. Moreover, in cases where strong side effects prevent the continuation of treatment, using Cordyceps can help manage immunity internally, coexist with tumors, and improve QOL (Quality of Life) by restoring energy and appetite.

Intensive treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy may lower immunity, so it is important to restore immune function as soon as possible to suppress any remaining tumor cells. Using an increased amount of Cordyceps before and after surgery or during intensive treatments is thought to speed up post-surgical recovery, and studies on the right dosage are ongoing.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

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Melanoma Case Reports
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