Click here for examples of cancer improvement in dogs and cats

One reason for the occurrence of cancer is the decline in the body’s immune function. Cancer cells are produced daily even in healthy animals, but the immune cells suppress their proliferation, preventing the onset of cancer (this is known as tumor immunity).

So, which organ governs this immunity in the body?

Immune System

The primary cells that govern the immune system are lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow, where T-cells mature in the thymus and B-cells mature in the bone marrow. These cells circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream and lymphatic system.

Lymphocytes that circulate throughout the body are collected by lymph nodes along the lymphatic vessels and returned to the veins. In these lymph nodes, lymphocytes initiate an immune response by working with macrophages to engulf foreign substances (such as bacteria) and prevent them from circulating throughout the body.

When we catch a cold and our lymph nodes swell, it is because viruses or bacteria that have entered our body are being blocked in the lymph nodes. This causes white blood cells and lymphocytes to gather and fight the invaders.

About 60-70% of this immune system is said to be the gut-associated immune system. One aspect of this gut-associated immunity is the Peyer’s patches, collections of lymphoid nodules that are abundant in the gut.

In other words, maintaining a healthy gut helps to keep the immune system functioning properly. You might recall being told as a child not to let your stomach get cold. At the time, you might not have understood why, but it makes perfect sense.

Recognition that Peyer’s patches are involved in immunity began in the 1970s. However, even long before research into the functions of Peyer’s patches, people may have instinctively known that keeping the abdomen warm was important.

Keeping the Immune System Healthy

To ensure the immune system works properly, you should:
・Maintain a healthy gut environment
・Keep the body warm

Recently, you may have heard the terms “probiotics” and “gut health”. Probiotics involve incorporating beneficial bacteria from your diet, activating the gut, and maintaining health.

To improve gut health, it is important to consume energy sources for beneficial bacteria and take probiotics. Energy sources for beneficial bacteria include oligosaccharides and dietary fibers. Oligosaccharides help to increase beneficial bacteria and decrease harmful bacteria in the gut, thereby promoting digestion. Dietary fibers help to increase stool bulk for better digestive health.

Foods rich in oligosaccharides include asparagus, cabbage, burdock, and soybeans. Foods high in dietary fibers include burdock, soybeans, sesame seeds, and mushrooms.

By incorporating these into daily meals, you can improve gut health and expect to maintain a healthy immune system. However, dogs and cats struggle to digest dietary fibers, so it’s best to finely chop these foods before feeding them.

To keep the abdomen warm, the best approach is to use a stomach band if your pet tolerates it.

Even if you don’t have a pet-specific stomach band, using the sleeves from old clothing, or layering cut-up stockings or tights works well for warmth. Dogs and cats tend to lie on cool surfaces when they are not feeling well, which can lower their body temperature, thus reducing their immune function. Additionally, poor blood circulation can impair gut movement, leading to constipation or diarrhea.
On hot summer days, some say that their pets enjoy eating ice, but this is not recommended as it can cool the intestines from the inside. If you want to give them something cold, homemade soup solidified with agar to make a jelly-like treat is a good alternative. While keeping the air conditioning cool is fine, please make sure to keep their stomach warm.

If your pet dislikes wearing a belly wrap, it is a good idea to lay a thin towel over exposed areas like flooring or tiles.

By improving intestinal health, you can help maintain a stronger immune system and boost overall health.

Recommended Reading

Researching Cordy’s Immune Modulation Functions

Our laboratory is conducting research to explore the potential of Cordy in enhancing immune response by combining it with gut health practices (菌活・腸活), potentially building a stronger, disease-resistant body. Even if your pet is ill, it is highly important to focus on immune system strategies and dietary improvements.

At the Cordy Laboratory, we study how Cordy contributes to maintaining immune health.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


代替療法と西洋医学、両方の動物病院での勤務経験と多数のコルディの臨床経験をもつ。 モノリス在籍時には、一般的な動物医療(西洋医学)だけでは対応が困難な症例に対して多くの相談を受け、免疫の大切さを痛烈に実感する。

Click here for examples of canine and feline cancer improvements
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