Feline osteosarcoma refers to a condition where the tissues within the bone (such as bone marrow, periosteum, cortical bone, etc.) become cancerous. While the occurrence of tumors in cat bones is not very common, it is said that over 70% of the cases where tumors do develop in the bones are malignant, known as osteosarcomas. The primary treatment is surgery; however, the recurrence rate post-surgery is high, and the prognosis is generally poor. Nevertheless, it is believed that engaging in immune system initiatives can improve physical condition, maintain QOL (quality of life), and help recover energy and appetite. In fact, there have been numerous cases where feline cancer was controlled through immune measures using Cordy.

This page summarizes the causes, symptoms, treatments, and tips for improvement and complete recovery from osteosarcoma. We also introduce numerous improvement cases. We hope this can serve as a support and a beacon of hope for everyone.

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What is Feline Osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma refers to a condition where the tissues within the bone (such as bone marrow, periosteum, cortical bone, etc.) become cancerous.
Compared to dogs, the risk of developing osteosarcoma in cats is lower, with tumors making up about 5% of all feline tumors. Nonetheless, an estimated 70% of these tumors are malignant.

The risk of development is higher in middle-aged to older cats. In dogs, it usually occurs in the limbs, whereas in cats, it can develop in any bone throughout the body. More specifically, it tends to occur more in the hind legs than in the forelegs, particularly around the knee area.
The metastasis rate of osteosarcoma in cats is lower compared to dogs, at approximately 20-30%.

Causes of Feline Osteosarcoma

Currently, detailed causes are not well understood.
For dogs, fractures are considered a potential cause, but such causal relationships in cats are not yet clear.

Symptoms of Feline Osteosarcoma

The most common symptom is limping (lameness).
Additionally, the affected bone area may become hard and swollen, and the cat may show reluctance when that area is touched.
Due to the pain in the affected part, decreased physical activity and a decline in energy and appetite can also be observed.

Symptoms vary depending on the location of the osteosarcoma:
– Head: facial deformation, respiratory symptoms such as snoring or nasal discharge, eyeball protrusion
– Spine: paralysis, decreased motor function

Also, chronic lameness could lead to pathological fractures, causing a sudden worsening of the lameness.

In cases of osteosarcoma, early detection and surgery can lead to potential recovery, so it is recommended to observe your cat’s behavior and actions carefully. If you notice anything unusual, please consult a veterinarian.

  • Irregular walking behavior (limping)
  • Swelling, deformation, and hardening of the limbs, etc.
  • Swelling, deformation, and hardening of the face or spine
  • Decreased activity, reluctance to exercise

Treatment of Feline Osteosarcoma

Since osteosarcoma causes pain, the main approach is pain management.


The first choice for treating osteosarcoma in the limbs is amputation.
Amputation can relieve the pain.
In the case of the forelimbs, amputation is performed from the scapula, and in the case of the hind limbs, from the hip joint.
Cats are relatively lightweight and have excellent athletic abilities, so amputation generally does not significantly hinder their daily lives. However, for cats with heavier body weight, weight management and care to avoid putting additional strain on the other legs and joints are necessary.


Chemotherapy is used for osteosarcoma in areas with concentrated nerves, where amputation is difficult, or when metastasis is observed through imaging diagnosis. However, at present, there is not yet a well-established chemotherapy treatment for osteosarcoma in cats.

If chemotherapy is recommended for treating osteosarcoma, discuss with your veterinarian whether the benefits (effectiveness) outweigh the disadvantages (side effects).

Choosing not to pursue chemotherapy, considering the cat’s age and stamina, can often be the better decision.

Additionally, regardless of whether chemotherapy is pursued or not, taking measures to boost the immune system can improve the Quality of Life (QOL) for the cat.

If you decide to undergo chemotherapy, taking steps to counteract side effects with Cordy for immune support and placental extract from domestic SPF pigs for liver and kidney care can be expected to improve QOL.

Related Articles on Chemotherapy

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy may be combined with surgery when dealing with osteosarcoma located on the body axis, especially in cases of incomplete resection. General anesthesia is required during this treatment, so the cat’s age and stamina must be taken into consideration.

Because anesthesia lowers the immune system, it is recommended to take measures to boost immunity both before and after treatment.

Prevention of Osteosarcoma in Cats

Unfortunately, there is no method for preventing osteosarcoma. Early detection and treatment dramatically alter prognosis. Regularly check your cat’s body and ensure there are no abnormalities in their gait.

Improving Prognosis of Cats with Osteosarcoma Using Immune Support

For osteosarcoma, the primary option is surgery, such as amputation for limbs or complete/partial removal for the body. However, surgery may not be feasible depending on the cat’s age and overall health.
By utilizing Cordy for immune support during the treatment of osteosarcoma, you can help suppress tumor growth and prevent recurrence.

Of course, Cordy, which is highly safe, can also be used confidently for prevention. There are no concerns about side effects like those associated with pharmaceuticals. Not limited to osteosarcoma, we believe that prevention is the best approach for cancer.

If your beloved cat develops osteosarcoma, it is crucial to take immune measures regardless of whether or not they undergo surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

Our laboratory continues to study whether administering Cordy during periods of immune suppression caused by surgery or chemotherapy can speed up the recovery of immune function.

While it is uncertain how much they will respond or improve, there is a good chance that at the very least, their appetite will increase and their energy levels will be restored.

When using medications such as chemotherapy drugs, steroids, or antibiotics, there are concerns about liver function decline. In such cases, combining them with Placenta Extract Powder derived from Japanese SPF pigs may help minimize liver damage.

Even in cases where liver values have already worsened, there are numerous examples of liver function improvement within about a month when using Placenta Extract Powder derived from Japanese SPF pigs.

Moreover, since osteosarcoma often involves inflammation, it is also considered effective to provide EPA/DHA Krill Oil extracted from Antarctic krill, which is expected to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Our laboratory continues to research Cordy, which is expected to have immune-modulating effects; Placenta Extract Powder derived from Japanese SPF pigs, which is expected to protect liver function; and Krill Oil, which is expected to have anti-inflammatory effects. If you have any questions, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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