Ovarian cancer in cats can be prevented by spaying, so if there are no plans for breeding, spaying is recommended. Once ovarian cancer is discovered, it is often already in an advanced stage, but it is believed that improving the immune system can help improve condition and maintain quality of life (QOL), restoring vitality and appetite. In fact, there have been many cases where cats’ cancer was controlled through immune measures with Cordy.

This page summarizes the causes, symptoms, treatments, tips for improvement and recovery of ovarian cancer. Many cases of improvement are also introduced. We hope this serves as a support and a beacon of hope for everyone.

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What is Ovarian Tumor in Cats

Characteristics and Causes of Ovarian Cancer in Cats

The ovaries are female-specific tissues responsible for maturing and ovulating eggs and secreting hormones. There are two ovaries, located on either side of the uterus.
One of the causes of cancer originating from the ovaries is ovulation. It is believed that the surface of the ovaries gets damaged each time ovulation occurs, and the accumulated damage can lead to cancer.

Since the ovaries are deep within the body, they tend to have fewer symptoms. Normally, the ovaries are the size of a pea, but tumors can cause them to grow to the size of a golf ball, or even a baseball. When this happens, the internal organs are compressed, causing pain or preventing food from entering the stomach.

Because symptoms are minimal, detection is often delayed. It’s not uncommon for the cancer to have already spread around the ovaries or metastasized to distant locations by the time it is discovered.

Treatment for Ovarian Cancer in Cats

The ovaries are not essential for life, so removal surgery is generally performed. The opposite ovary and the uterus are also removed together to reduce the risk of recurrence.

Ovarian cancer is particularly dangerous because of its minimal symptoms, leading to delayed detection. Even after removing both ovaries and the uterus, it is not uncommon for cancer cells to have spread beyond those regions.

To target any remaining cancer cells, post-operative chemotherapy (anti-cancer drug treatment) may be added. Strong anti-cancer drugs are usually used for ovarian cancer, which could result in significant side effects.

If you decide to undergo chemotherapy, it is recommended to manage the side effects with immune support using Cordy and liver and kidney care utilizing domestically produced SPF pig-derived placenta extract powder, which may improve the quality of life (QOL).

Related Articles on Chemotherapy

Prognosis of Ovarian Cancer in Cats

If the cancer can be completely removed, the prognosis is not necessarily poor. However, in practice, cancer cells often have already spread widely, leading to remnants and recurrence of the disease. To reduce the recurrence rate, anticancer drugs may be used post-operatively, although it is considered difficult to eradicate all remaining cancer cells.

Since your cat is undergoing surgery, it is crucial to do everything possible to prevent recurrence. Both the stress of surgery and the side effects of anticancer drugs can inevitably lower immune function, so appropriate measures must be taken. Along with immune measures, providing high-quality food is necessary to quickly restore your cat’s strength.

Preventing Ovarian Cancer in Cats

Ovarian cancer can be prevented through spaying. Spaying involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus, eliminating the concern of future ovarian cancer.

Though there might be resistance to performing surgery on a healthy cat, it is a fact that there are many benefits to spaying. If you do not plan to have your cat breed, it is well worth considering.

Harnessing the Power of Immunity Against Ovarian Cancer in Cats

If your beloved cat is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, immune support is crucial, regardless of whether or not treatment is administered.

Our research laboratory continues to study whether administering Cordy during periods of immune system decline can expedite the recovery of immune strength.

Although we cannot predict the exact response and improvement, there is substantial potential for at least an increase in appetite and a return to vitality.

When using medications such as anticancer drugs, steroids, and antibiotics, liver function deterioration is a concern. In such cases, combining Japanese SPF pig-derived placenta extract with these treatments might minimize liver damage.

Even in cats where liver values have already worsened, administering Japanese SPF pig-derived placenta extract can often improve liver function within approximately one month.

Additionally, since ovarian cancer often involves inflammation, it is considered effective to provide EPA/DHA krill oil extracted from Antarctic krill, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Our laboratory continues to research the immune-modulating effects of Cordy, liver protection from Japanese SPF pig-derived placenta extract, and the anti-inflammatory effects of krill oil. For any inquiries, please contact us.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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