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By giving domestically produced SPF pig-derived placenta extract to a dog with deteriorating liver function for 1-2 months, improvement of symptoms can be expected. We received a report from the owner that liver values have improved, so we are sharing it here.

Pet Information

Name: Nana-chan
Breed: Papillon
Age: 12 years
Weight: 2.5 kg
Condition: Liver disease


Progress with Cordy Usage

August 2018

When their beloved 20-year-old cat was diagnosed with lymphoma and euthanasia was discussed, the eldest son desperately searched the internet for alternatives and started administering Cordy.
About three months later, the cat started to regain energy and stabilize in health. Although the cat stopped eating food mixed with Cordy halfway through the treatment, health remained stable, and the cat celebrated its 21st birthday on the 16th of this month.

July 20, 2019

The owner consulted us about their dog’s liver values, which had not improved after one year of taking Lipocrin, with ALP levels remaining high.
Since one month ago, the owner switched to a completely homemade diet, and TG (triglyceride) levels decreased from 366 in June to 124.
The homemade diet continued, and they started administering domestically produced SPF pig-derived placenta extract, krill oil, and amino acid supplements.
The cat also received steroids and fluids every two days, so they started giving the cat placenta extract and amino acid supplements as well.


It is clearly visible that the cat has been gaining muscle.
The dog’s blood test results are as follows:

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The ALP remains unchanged, and imaging tests indicated the presence of biliary sludge, which is likely affecting the results.
Other liver values have shown improvement.

Two months after starting homemade meals and one month after starting supplements, changes in the values are becoming apparent.

Nana-chan with a very lovely smile.

Current Treatments and Supplements

Contents of Homemade Meals

Ingredients used for liver, kidney, and obesity management:
– Brown rice
– Beans
– Chicken breast
– Tuna
– Salmon
– Cabbage
– Burdock
– Broccoli
– Potato
– Daikon radish

Ingredients currently being incorporated:
– Liver
– Venison
– Cod
– Pacific saury
– Sardine
– Mackerel
– Salmon
– Beans
– Okara (soy pulp)
– Brown rice
– Pumpkin
– Sweet potato
– Potato
– Hijiki seaweed
– Spinach
– Broccoli
– Broccoli sprouts
– Komatsuna greens
– Green bell pepper
– Paprika
– Shimeji mushrooms
– Shiitake mushrooms
– Burdock
– Lotus root
– Carrot
– Daikon radish

It seems that they select 5-6 types of these ingredients, make them into a soup, add brown rice, and season it with tomato.
The soup was made because dehydration was observed, but currently, the dehydration is within normal limits.

※ The improvement in values is considered a result of the homemade diet which the owner studied and tailored to their dog Nana-chan’s constitution.
For some pets, there are ingredients that may need to be avoided (for example, low-carb diets are recommended for pets with tumors, so ingredients like brown rice and potatoes would be minimized).


– Domestic SPF pork (germ-free pig) derived placenta powder
– Krill oil (EPA/DHA extracted from Antarctic krill)
– Amino acid supplements
– Green tripe (stomach of ruminants)

In our laboratory, we are conducting research to determine whether Cordy can modulate the immune system and whether it can be effective against cancer. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Recovery Case of a Dog with Poor Liver Enzyme Levels (Liver Function Improvement)イメージ

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June 16, 2019 July 18, 2019 August 20, 2019
GOT 40 31
GPT 156 96 65
ALP >3500 >3500 >3500
BUN 22.1 23.6 22.5
Cre 0.62 0.61 0.50
TG 366 124 110