The following is a summary of the functions of the amino acids vital for the survival of dogs and cats. Please take a moment to read through it.


Leucine is said to promote muscle formation, prevent muscle breakdown, and enhance liver function. Additionally, it increases the secretion of insulin (a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels), helping to transport glucose into muscle cells. It is also expected to help alleviate stress due to its similar effects to endorphins, which are neurotransmitters in the brain that provide pain relief and a sense of happiness.

【Foods rich in leucine】
– Beef
– Pork
– Chicken
– Liver
– Salmon
– Horse mackerel
– Bonito
– Soy products

【Potential issues due to leucine deficiency】
– Decreased liver function, which can lead to insulin deficiency and cause diabetes
– Reduced muscle strength
– Accumulation of fatigue
– Hair loss


Isoleucine is known to promote muscle and body growth, exert a vasodilatory effect, and strengthen liver function. Additionally, isoleucine uniquely supports nerve function. Other important roles include fatigue recovery, diabetes prevention, and maintaining the health of skin and hair.

【Foods rich in isoleucine】
– Chicken
– Pork
– Eggs
– Salmon
– Bluefin tuna

【Potential issues due to isoleucine deficiency】
– Muscle depletion
– Diminished hair (coat) moisture
– Skin inflammation


Valine is an amino acid involved in growth, has liver-strengthening effects, regulates nitrogen balance in the blood, and aids in muscle repair. It is also beneficial for skin health, maintaining skin elasticity, and promoting detoxification by enhancing ammonia metabolism.

【Foods rich in valine】
– Liver
– Bluefin tuna
– Tofu

【Potential issues due to valine deficiency】
– Loss of appetite
– Malnutrition


Lysine is an essential nutrient for protein construction in the body, aiding in fatigue recovery and tissue repair, and improving concentration. It also supports liver function, helps lower blood pressure, and is necessary for the production of carnitine, which helps convert fat into energy.

【Foods rich in lysine】
– Bonito
– Horse mackerel
– Chicken

【Potential issues due to lysine deficiency】
– Accumulation of fatigue
– Decreased liver function
– Increased cholesterol levels
– Anemia
– Nausea
– Dizziness


Arginine promotes the secretion of growth hormones, strengthens muscle tissue, and enhances immunity. It also involves the secretion of insulin and glucagon, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Additionally, arginine aids in detoxifying ammonia and promotes vasodilation and improved blood flow through the production of nitric oxide.

【Foods rich in arginine】
– Chicken
– Pork
– Soybeans
– Unsweetened soy milk
– Freeze-dried tofu
– Sesame

【Potential issues due to arginine deficiency】
– Poor growth
– Arteriosclerosis
– Accelerated aging
– Swelling


Taurine can be synthesized in the bodies of humans and dogs, but cats do not have the enzymes necessary to synthesize taurine and must obtain it through their diet. Taurine has benefits such as enhancing liver function, lowering blood pressure by suppressing the sympathetic nervous system (also reducing the burden on the kidneys), and providing antioxidant effects. Additionally, by eliminating bad cholesterol, taurine improves blood condition, enhances blood circulation, and activates metabolism, making it effective for anti-aging and dieting. Furthermore, since taurine is said to increase the number of mitochondria, it is also believed to boost physical strength.

【Foods Rich in Taurine】
・Pacific Saury

【Consequences of Taurine Deficiency】
・Decreased vision
・Dilated cardiomyopathy
・Immune dysfunction
・Reduced reproductive function


Tryptophan serves as a precursor to neurotransmitters with calming and analgesic effects (serotonin: also involved in body temperature regulation and sleep). Serotonin is converted into melatonin, which regulates the internal clock and sleep cycles. In addition, tryptophan is expected to have anti-aging effects and improve concentration and memory.

【Foods Rich in Tryptophan】
・Soy milk
・Dried bonito flakes

【Consequences of Tryptophan Deficiency】
・Mental instability, depression, phobia due to serotonin deficiency
・Decreased appetite and weight loss in kittens

Amino acids are more easily absorbed by the body and exhibit their respective effects when taken in a balanced manner. When giving amino acid supplements to dogs, cats, and other pets, it is advisable to choose products that contain the amino acids introduced here without unnecessary additives.

Amino acid supplements are recommended not only for pets that cannot actively consume protein but also for those with declining physical strength and for maintaining general health.

監修獣医師:林美彩  所属クリニック:chicoどうぶつ診療所


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