Pet Information

Name: Pona-chan
Species: Toy Poodle
Gender: Spayed Female
Weight: 6.5 kg at first visit
Date of Birth: June 13, 2010
Disease: Malignant Melanoma on Right Upper Lip

Course and Current Condition

October 5, 2018

Diagnosed at another hospital with suspected amelanotic malignant melanoma on the right upper lip. Enlarged right lower jaw lymph node and approximately 5mm metastasis in the lungs were also noted.

October 9

Tumor excision surgery was performed.

November 7

Transferred to our hospital.
Started using CORDY, organic germanium, and NMN.

CORDY and organic germanium: 0.4g/kg/day
NMN: 1/4 tablet/day

February 21

Weight: 6.6 kg
Switched from solid-cultured to liquid-cultured CORDY, organic germanium, and NMN.
X-ray examination confirmed no metastasis in the lungs.
Usage of CORDY and NMN: 0.4g/kg/day


No recurrence or metastasis of the tumor has been observed, and the pet is reported to be living well with no issues in appetite. Weight has also been increasing.

Our laboratory is conducting research on the synergistic effects, immune-modulating functions, and potential anticancer effects of CORDY and NMN (β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide).