Pet Information

Name: Kokoro-chan
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Gender: Spayed Female
Weight: 7.45kg at initial consultation
Date of Birth: January 20, 2007
Disease: Fibrosarcoma in the right maxilla

Progress and Current Condition

January 28, 2019

Diagnosed with malignant non-epithelial tumor in the right maxilla at another clinic. Started taking Cordy and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide).
Dosage: 0.4g/kg/day

February 2

Tumor removal surgery performed, diagnosed as fibrosarcoma through pathological examination. Continued taking Cordy and NMN.

February 16

Weight remains almost the same at 7.55kg. Exhibits no issues with energy or appetite.

March 2

Tumor recurred at the same site as in January, prompting another removal surgery. Continued taking Cordy and NMN.

March 6

Appetite present but difficulty swallowing, with drooling from the right side. Inflammation in the surgical site’s oral mucosa and bad breath present, so Interdog is administered every other day.

March 19

Weight 7.65kg. Bad breath persists, but oral condition is favorable. Appears to be in good health.

March 23

Weight 7.75kg. Continued bad breath, but oral condition and overall health are good. No tumor growth observed.

April 8

Weight 8.1kg. Bad breath persists, but oral condition and overall health are good. No tumor growth observed, no issues with energy or appetite. Continued taking Cordy, NMN, and Interdog.

April 27

Weight 7.9kg. Oral condition is good, but nasal discharge is present.

May 9

Weight 7.8kg. Slight bleeding from the oral cavity observed.

May 14

Tumor removal from the oral cavity.

May 24

Weight 8.0kg. Condition is stable. Continued taking Cordy and NMN.

June 7

Weight 7.5kg. Appetite present but difficulty eating due to pain. Pain relief prescribed.

June 10

Weight 7.8kg. Began subcutaneous injections of liquid-cultured Cordy and NMN (4ml once a day) and oral sprays. Appetite present.

June 15

Weight 7.9kg. Condition is good, bad breath has disappeared, and drooling has decreased.

June 29

Weight 7.85kg. Appetite present, but oral tumor slightly increased in size, and minor bad breath observed. Continued with subcutaneous injections of liquid-cultured Cordy and NMN (4ml once a day), oral sprays, and oral administration.

From the Hospital

1.5 months have passed since the third tumor removal, and the condition remains stable.

Our laboratory is conducting research on the synergistic effects, immune modulation capabilities, and potential anti-cancer properties of Cordy and NMN (β-nicotinamide mononucleotide).